Chapter 54

Adaire received the news that Aaron marris him on the same day.

He selfishly did not tell Ada Wood that he did not have self-confidence, for fear that she would be sad.

"Ada, don't you blame me?" Ada Wood continues to push Adair without any expression on her face.

Blame him? Is she qualified?

In the beginning, when she came out of prison, the man did not dislike her, and he was with her and gave her warmth.

She owes him, and she can't pay it back in her life.

"Brother Adair, how can I blame you? His affairs have nothing to do with me. I don't want to know, and there is no need to know." Yes, the man had no relationship since the moment Zora jumped off the building. The only connection between them, five years ago, was gone.

"Ada, I will take care of you all my life. Please believe me."

Adair Carter puts Ada Wood's hand on his left chest, where every heartbeat is for her.