Chapter 76

"Ada, don’t be afraid. With me, I'll always be by your side, and I won't let others hurt you any more." Adair Carter tightly hugs Ada Wood, painfully helps her wipe off the sweat on the forehead. He didn't expect that five years of prison life made her so timid.

When they passed the prison, she would shiver with fear and urge him to drive quickly. Unexpectedly, she would often have nightmares about prison life and the scene of that day.

"I don't want to go to prison. I don't want to go to prison again. I will be obedient. I won't worry about Aaron any more. I will stay away from home in the future." Ada Wood's strength from Adair is getting stronger and stronger, and her body is shaking more and more severely.

"Ada, it's OK. You're all right. No one will send you to prison. Brother Adair is here. He will protect you." Adair Carter patted Ada Wood's back gently, trying to reassure her.

The doctor came to give Ada Wood a sedative, which made her quiet.