Chapter 16

Ada Wood did not refuse to leave Adair, but followed him directly.

Adair Carter specially ordered some congee and other warm food for Ada Wood, and also booked the whole restaurant.

This is Ada Wood's second warm dinner since she was released from prison. "Ada, after porridge, I'll take you to the hospital for examination."

Adair Carter went to the prison and checked the information about Ada Wood's hospitalization in prison. She knew that she had committed suicide and that her stomach had been damaged.

Ada Wood lowered her head and ate the porridge in the bowl very seriously.

Out of prison, in addition to Winni and Yvonne Brook, Adair Carter is the only one who doesn't look at her with scorn and sarcasm. He also helps her find a job and sends her lunch.

For the first time, she felt that what she ate was not porridge, but a tender warmth to her heart. She raised his head, slightly frowned, "Mr. Carter, I don't want to go to the hospital, I haven't found the house yet."