Chapter 4

At this critical juncture, An Taotao held out her hand and pressed on several acupuncture points on Mr. King's back.

"Hmm?" Mr. King suddenly felt numb, and then his whole body struck, which made him unable to move. His sharp eyes were fixed on An Taotao. ‘Damn it, what did this woman do?!’He grumbled inwardly.

An Taotao finally can move and kicked Mr. King down. Mr. King rolled on the ground then fell to the end of the bed. An Taotao quickly picked up the bath towel and coat at the edge of the bed then clothed herself randomly. When she got out of bed, she looked at Mr. King's angry eyes which suddenly frightened her a little.

Mr. King struggled to get up from the ground. He didn't know what the woman had done that made his whole body still numb. "What did you do?" He squinted, and his eyes turned red. He was so angry that he wanted to strangle her!

"I just pressed your numb point." An Taotao clutched her coat tightly, her eyes were wet because of excessive fright but radiated stubbornness, "Mr. King, don't worry, you will be well soon." she explained.

Mr. King could not utter a word as he endured paralysis. He walked towards An Taotao step by step. An Taotao panicked for a moment, but remembered he didn't have a gun on his person. She whispered coldly and warned, "Mr. King, if you come over again, I don't mind clicking you again."

Mr. King stepped down, and his dark eyes locked at her tightly. He saw that her cheeks were pale, but her eyes were crystal clear with perseverance and are unyielding. They were as stubborn as pines and cypresses in the mountains which surprised people and made them want to destroy it. Her fear and hate for him never faded.

’What an interesteing woman!’ he thought."Oh, you are very interesting. I hope you dare to do the same in the future." Mr. King suddenly sneered with a deep voice. An Taotao clutched her fingertips, but she couldn't relax because once she put her guard down, she would likely be killed by the beast.

Mr. King looked at her eyes that were full of fear. Suddenly he lost interest and turned to leave. An Taotao listened to the footsteps getting farther and farther, until she couldn't hear them, and then she felt at ease a little bit.

She slid down the wall, and her whole body was like broken glass. She had drained all her strength. Thinking of what she had done to Mr. King, she suddenly laughed. It was a triumphant smile, but there was fear at the bottom of her heart and endless panic. Just now, she was really scared to death.

She also thought about obedience just as she was bitten by a dog, but when the bath towel was torn open she couldn't stand it! She's not Miss An, she's just mistaken!

Her life was more like gambling, she wanted to be different from the other women that was brought to Mr. King. She is determined to win the bet, but it was very scary. An Taotao adjusted her coat and stood up from the ground. There is still a long way to go. As long as she stays in this villa, she must not feel at ease.

She was ready to go to bed, when she suddenly thought of something. She immediately turned and locked the door, and then stuck up all the moving furniture inside the room at the back of the door. In this way, Mr King could not come in!

Since that night, An Taotao has not seen Mr. King for two days. She wondered if the demon was frightened by her when she made her numb. ‘If that's the case, may as well do it again!’ she grinned at the thought.

Suddenly, a car whistle was heard in the yard. Soon, An Taotao saw rows of bodyguards standing at the door. All clad in black as if they were welcoming someone.

An Taotao's eyes widened then she quickly ate the last piece of bread in her hand, got up as she wanted to escape to the room but then, "Miss An, Mr. King is back. You have to go out and meet him." Maid Chen blocked her way.

She was forced to marry him by her family without a proper process. No!, she is like a mistress that was hidden inside the house.

However, An Taotao doesn't care. She doesn't want to be married to him in a proper way. "Oh!", An Taotao reluctantly walked out of the villa and stood in front of the bunch of bodyguards to welcome Mr. King.

Mr. King came slowly with a bunch of bodyguards. He was still wearing a black trench coat and boots, In his usual cold demeanor. Under the sunlight, his skin was pale white, but very beautiful.

An Taotao went out barefoot and absent-minded. She just wants to hurry back to her room, not to face the devil. Meanwhile, Mr. King stood in front of her. An Taotao turned a supercilious look on him. She squeezed out a sweet smile. "Welcome home Mr. King."

Her voice is soft and waxy, with a kind of indescribable sweetness which is very pleasant, and it's also damn attractive. Mr. King lowered his eyes and looked at her, An Taotao subconsciously took a step back, and remained silent for a long time.

She felt that she was a prey and could be swallowed at any moment. After a long silence, Mr. King finally opened his mouth and said, "You!Come with me." "Ah?" An Taotao raised her head in horror, glanced at Mr. King. ‘Go where?’

She licked her lip in hesitation but did not dare to ask, she only hoped that the devil would not embarrass her again. As she thought of what happened three days ago, An Taotao couldn't stop being afraid. She followed step by step, and her legs gradually softened.

She lifted her eyes, and secretly looked around. She saw that Mr. King did not enter the villa, but instead went to the backyard. She bit her lip as she had a bad feeling. ‘Why are they going to the backyard of the villa?’

She remembers that the rumored snake cave is in the backyard of the villa, where there are countless varieties of poisonous snakes. Those who offend Mr. King have been thrown into the snake cave to be fed upon a plethora of snakes. ‘Is Mr. King going to take me to the snake cave?!’

Mr. King stood in a gloomy place, Surrounded by lush trees. When the wind blows, the trees rustle and the shadows projected on the ground are like a swarm of demons dancing. It is eerie and scary. In the place surrounded by trees, there is a big hole, and there comes a hissing sound.

An Taotao swallowed her saliva, and her fear had risen to the extreme.

Mr. King really took her to the snake cave. Is she dying?! "Come here." Mr. King saw that she was so far from him so he waved to her. An Taotao looked at his hand like death was waving at her again.

She bit her lip and stood still, her little face went white as she looked very pitiful. Mr. King's eyes are cold, his voice dull and low, with a strong sense of suffocation. "Come here, don't make me say it for the third time!" He roared.