Chapter 7

"Of course." An’s Mother raised her chin. "She has been smart since childhood. She has a good future waiting ahead of her. How can I be willing to send my baby daughter to Mr. King?"

As a matter of fact, it was the bankruptcy of the An Family Company that forced them to find Mr. King. They hoped that Mr. King would help them. At that time, Mr. King agreed but made a request to settle down for their daughter.

Mr. King, a devil that kills people in the blink of an eye. They want the support of the devil, but they don't want to push their baby daughter into the fire pit. That’s why they thought of the illegitimate daughter being raised in the country. "You are good!" An Taotao furiously retorted.

She really wanted to scold loudly, but it was the only thing that came to her lips. She is not good at quarreling, and she taught herself not to swear. The strange thing is that she was too simple at the beginning, thinking that her father was finally willing to accept her. She wants to suppress her inner desire for a family so she came to settle down, which ended in their way!

"Aren't you living well now?" Mother circled around An Taotao, and her small eyes were like radar. "You wore rags three days ago, and now look at your Chanel haute couture. The price is tens of millions, which is an astronomical figure that you can't get in the country for a lifetime." An Taotao stared at her, her eyes faint and mysterious.

"If it weren't because of us, would you not have such a life now? Therefore, serve the master well and don't make him angry. Otherwise, these beautiful clothes can only be worn underground." An Taotao squinted as she heard these venomous remarks from her mother.

"Don't worry, even if I die, I will pull a cushion." An Taotao hooked his lips.

She looks flamboyant, especially as she laugh. "If I let Mr. King knows that I’m not your daughter, what will happen? What about who’s who having a good life?" An’s Mother suddenly widened her eyes, obviously didn't expecting a country girl to be so enterprising and cunning.

"You!, you bitch, if you dare to say it, I will never let you go!" Words sprayed ceaselessly, she just wanted to slap her. An Taotao is in danger. " If you left a mark on me. when I go back and Mr. King saw it. Do you think he will let you live?"

Her mother’s hand froze in mid-air. How dare this bitch threaten her!

"Enough, you all shut up." Ann's father, who had been silent, suddenly made a noise, and his face was agitated. Ann's mother suddenly stopped talking, but her face was a little ugly. An Taotao tapped on the console table looking leisurely, but his heart was not calm. "Hey, you agreed to this business, which means you participated?"

An's father didn't give a positive answer, he just huffed: "How can you talk to your Dad like this?" An Taotao turned a supercilious look, hissing, "A biological father will send his daughter to a pit of fire? With all due respect, you are a piece of garbage! "

"You!" Her father was stunned. An Taotao sneered, then her eyes turned cold and said, "From now on, I have nothing to do with you!"

It is enough to let her to marry Mr. King for their other daughter. What's more, they don't have much kindness to her at all. The An Family has nothing to do with her in the future! "You! Don’t be so boastful." Her father patted the table in anger.

"My dear, don't be angry. Now, she is favored by Mr. King and her wings are hard, so she forgot about you." Her mother appeased on the side, but her small eyes stared at An Taotao. "Let's not care about her." her Father breathed deeply, for the company's affairs, he was too lazy to pay attention to the illegitimate daughter.

She grew up in the countryside and she is really vulgar. "Also, you'd better pray, the master will never find out, otherwise" An Taotao made a gesture of committing suicide as she warned. "You will die." Her tone is faint and cold, which makes people feel the grasp of death.

Her mother was surprised at what she said. An Taotao still entered the room even though that's how her mother reacted. An’s mother widened her eyes and exclaimed, "An Taotao, what are you doing? Why are you entering our room?" An Taotao looked back, but his footsteps did not stop and told her, "Three days ago, I came here with a cloth bag, and I believe that one of your rooms has my stuff."

That cloth bag is all she has! An Taotao’s mother soon remembered the tattered cloth bag. She raised her eyebrows and sarcastically said, "Don't touch our things because you don't own them. About your garbage bag, I threw it into the warehouse inside the basement."

Her mother didn't like the cloth bag, and threw it in the trash. After she thought about it, she just decided to abandon it into the warehouse inside the basement. If An Taotao didn't go to get it, it would probably get dusty.

"Okay, help me find it." An Taotao moved quickly and searched. Her mother frowned. At that moment, she always felt that An Taotao treated her as a servant, which made her very unhappy. Her father looked at her sharply, but An Taotao just kept going down to the warehouse to find her cloth bag. When she found it, it was covered by a layer of ash.

An Taotao quickly took the cloth bag and held it in her arms like a baby. This cloth bag was given to her by an old man in the country. There are acupuncture needles, bottles, and cans inside the bag. All of which are medicines exclusively prepared by the old man. It is very useful, and she refers them as treasure. Her mother gave her a bad look and told her, "Isn't it a garbage bag? Is it necessary to hug that thing like a child?"

An Taotao leaned the cloth over her body and never looked at her mother again. An Taotao can't stand such humiliation, and her voice is getting more and more bitter. "You can ruin Mr. King now, but when he's tired of playing, expect the consequences, and when that day comes, Mr. King won't let you go." A taunt escaped An Taotao's mouth and went out the door.

The An Family makes her sick, and she will never go back again! When An Taotao went out, she just saw Huang Chen leaning against the wall to smoke. Circles of cut tobacco floated out, and the smell of cigar was very strong.

An Taotao frowned in disgust. She hated the smell of smoke, and it was unhealthy. "Hey, Miss An." Huang Chen put out his cigarette and threw it away as he called out. An Taotao nodded, her beautiful eyes looking around quietly. Apart from Huang Chen, she didn't see anyone else.

If she wants to run, will she succeed? "Are you going back?" Huang Chen lazily opened the door. "I don't want to go back yet." An Taotao's lip moved, acting like a child. Huang Chen stared at her sideways, and her eyes seemed to have changed for a moment. "So, where do you want to go, Miss Ann?"

"I'm hungry and want to eat." An Taotao looked out and saw several roadside stalls on the opposite street, they call it Mala Tang. She raised her hand and pointed at Mala Tang . "I ate at Mala Tang once, and their food tasted very good. I always wanted to eat in that place again, but my parents wouldn't allow me to eat there. Now I am a woman of Mr. King. My parents can't control me. So I am going to eat there." ‘Roadside stalls?!’ Huang Chen frowned in disgust. In his whole life, he hasn't eaten that kind of food.

"If you don't want to go, just wait here." An Taotao took a deep breath and was slightly annoyed. If the rascal doesn't follow, she will mix with many crowds and try to sneak. "You go, I'll wait for you here." Huang Chen leaned against the car as he replied, pulled out a cigarette, and lit it.

There is a smile on An Taotao's lips. She quickened her pace to make sure that Huan Chen's gaze would not follow her, now she had a greater chance of escaping. She raised her legs and walked to the opposite street at a natural pace. Huang Chen couldn't see the thought of her mixing with the crowd. Her expression became exceedingly happy.

However, she hasn't walked to the opposite street yet. An Taotao suddenly felt as if many eyes were watching her. It's all around the place, and it's like if she makes any move, she will die. An Taotao seemed unable to move from her place, and her anxiety became increasingly obvious. She’s thinking if she should take a step.