Chapter 9

An Taotao resisted Mr. King, biting her lips while her fingers were stirring. She was hesitating to do so, suddenly a cell phone rang, and it turned out to be Liu Shuo's face on the screen.

An Taotao doesn't know what Liu Shuo wants to talk about, and she couldn't hear anything, and Mr. King's face became darker and more penetrating. He said nothing, hung up the phone, and got up.

"Wait for me to come back." He dropped a word and turned away. Soon, An Taotao heard a car start up.

Mr. King is leaving? After a while, the sound of the car was gone. An Taotao seemed crazy, suddenly jumped out of bed to pull the curtain, then quickly locked the door. She thinked for a while and then placed an acupuncture needle out under the pillow.

Mr. King will come back for a while, and if he misbehaves again, she will stab him with a needle! When Mr. King left, he took all his younger brothers with him except for the two who guarded the door outside.

The whole villa was silent, like a haunted house. An Taotao wants to live naturally, and she is uncomfortable in the face of such deafening silence.

She suddenly thought of something, and her eyes lit up like bright pearls. Mr. King is not here, Maid Chen is not here, and there are no other servants to check. This is a great opportunity! An Taotao immediately turned unto the cloth bag and gently opened the door of the room.

The corridor outside the room was quiet, and there was no one in the living room. An Taotao raised her legs, strengthened her courage, avoided the camera, and started walking towards the backyard of the villa. Yes, she just suddenly remembered the snake king in the snake cave within the backyard. The snake king had spots and colors, it was extremely pure. She would like to catch it alive.

Moreover, the snake has excellent medicinal value, and even if it is not used as medicine, she can sell it for a good price. she must go to catch it.

Mr. King always scares her about the snake cave. After a long while, she decided to catch the snake king. ‘Isn't that snake cave so terrible?!’

At night, the evening breeze blows gently, and the trees beside the big pit in the backyard rustled like a brotherhood of wolves. An Taotao swallowed her saliva, her heart beating like a drum and was scared but more excited. She is really afraid of the poisonous snakes within the big pit, but there is a realgar in her cloth, which is the secret system of the old man. Once it is scattered, even the most powerful poisonous snakes can't stand it.

"Hiss.. Hiss... Hiss-"

When she was close to the pit, An Taotao could hear the snake’s hissing, which filled the air. The sound induced fear within the hearts of whoever may hear it. She looked into the big pit and found that a plethora of poisonous snakes were staring at her, with cold eyes dyed in residual blood, as if they were going to swallow her. An Taotao no longer hesitated as she decisively took out a handful of realgar and sprinkled it.

After she sprinkled the realgar, the snakes immediately backed away, with some of them even fainted. They looked pitiful. An Taotao quickly took out the thick hemp rope, tied one end to the thick trunk, and tied the other end to herself. When everything was done, she climbed down to the hemp rope towards the bottom of the big pit.

Her action was capable and quick, with no weakness shown. What she didn't know was that a remote monitor recorded all her actions.

In the control room, Huang Chen was shocked while looking at the picture on the monitoring screen. His eyes were like two bells. He couldn't believe what he saw on the screen.

"What is it called? Death?" Tan Ge was asleep, but a loud voice woke him up. He suddenly became irritable. Huang Chen pointed to the monitor and was so shocked that he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Tan Ge, Now I know that this girl is not just a little white rabbit. Look! She dares to go into the snake cave."

"What woman? Are you thinking about women again?" Tan Ge frowns, ‘thinking of women at night? what a rogue’. "No, I didn't! No, I mean Miss An, she went to the snake cave." Huang Chen licked his lips and pointed to the monitor screen, but he was still shocked at heart. Tan Ge frowned again. "What is she doing in the snake cave, feeding snakes?"

He remembered the past, and after seeing it on the monitor screen, his whole person was shocked, like falling into a dream. In the monitor, a weak little girl was throwing a handful of realgar into the pit. Then, the poisonous snake was afraid and fainted, but she went forward bravely and came to the pit along the hemp rope.

That doesn't count!

What's more, she grabbed the king of the snake in the snake cave, put it into the cloth bag, and then climbed out of the big pit. Her actions are quick, skillful, and decisive which is different from the pitiful situation that happened a few days ago. "I can't go to the snake cave. She not only went but also caught the snake king!" Huang Chen was so frightened that he couldn't help whispering.

Tan Ge stared at the monitor and looked a little shocked. "I don't dare..." ‘Those poisonous snakes are fierce, and they will be in danger if they are bitten’ he thought. If they are treated a few seconds later, they will lose their skills. The big men are afraid to enter the snake cave rashly. She is so brave as a little girl, which opened their eyes.

"I thought she was a little white rabbit." Huang Chen whispered, and the screen monitor in front of him completely subverts his impression of An Taotao. After a moment, Tan Ge finally recovered. "It's not a white rabbit ... if it's a white rabbit, she might get killed by the ninth master. She not only dares to look the master in the eyes but also talks back. "

"Still dare to compare Mr. King with a dog!" Huang Chen nodded in recognition, and his eyes inadvertently revealed worship, "Awesome, my Miss An." The monitoring picture continues, only to see An Taotao carefully come to the corner of the villa wall. It seems to be a safe and hidden place, difficult for ordinary people to find.

However, what An Taotao doesn't know is that the villa is full of hidden cameras. All her actions are visible and plain as daylight. During the monitoring, An Taotao grabbed the snake king's seven inches and dragged it out like a dead dog. Then she took out a knife from the cloth bag. What followed was a sharp knife light flashed on the monitor screen. Huang Chen couldn't help but open his mouth when he saw this.

"She carries a knife with her ... No, what does she want to do with the snake king?"

When his voice just fell, he saw An Taotao's knife on the screen. On the other hand, the majestic snake king was nothing more to be done in. This was due to the pain as it was pitifully rotated along, its body looked like a screw. Then, she cleverly took out the snake, and her every move was like flowing water without stopping.

Seeing this, Huang Wei picked up the expression of hanging around on weekdays, with a profound look in his eyes. "Tan Ge, a big lady who can't help but kill snakes, will she be so sophisticated?" Tan Ge also narrowed his eyes. "It is really strange ..."

"What shall we do then?" Huang Chen frowned. ‘Snake king was being killed. I want to teach that woman a lesson, but I think she is so brave’! Tan Ge took his eyes back. "Let's wait until Mr. King comes back." After all, she is the woman of the Ninth master. It's up to the master on what to do. They have no right to make decisions.