Chapter 12

"What is a good thing?" An Taotao’s heart jump, fingertips not clenched. Mr. King squinted, and the color of his eyes became deeper under the lights. "You will know later." "Oh!" An Taotao lashes quiver and her heart are even more uneasy.

When they entered the clubhouse, the manager enthusiastically led them to a super luxury box that had already been prepared. In the balcony, the lights are crisscrossed, and the red and yellow lights are slightly ambiguous. There are some snacks on the table, some bottles of red wine, and several goblets beside them, which are crystal clear. Mr. King gave An Taotao a glance and motioned her to pour the wine.

An Taotao was forced a little to pour wine because of his arrogance. After pouring the wine, An Taotao looked around and suddenly found a transparent glass wall through which she could see others in the opposite room.

In the room, there was a table with a deck of cards and two men sitting face to face. One of the men has dyed red hair and has a pair of charming blossom eyes. He looked handsome and affectionate.

When An Taotao cast her eyes on the other one, her eyes froze, turned out to be her father. Why is he here?

Mr. King saw An Taotao's doubts, approached her, and gently bit her earlobe. He is a restless man. If he wants to make a fortune, he will find someone to play with him. An Taotao shivered sensitively. Is this what Mr. King wants to show me? "Don't you think it's interesting that gambling can make people go to heaven or fall into hell directly?" Mr. King lifted his eyes like a deep pool.

An Taotao sipped her lips and didn't respond to him.

 Mr. King saw An Taotao not talking, he narrowed his eyes, raised his goblet and sipped his red wine.

 An Taotao didn't like the taste of wine, and her brow is slightly wrinkled. Mr. King's eyes were poisonous and saw her dislike at a glance. With a low laugh, he pulled An Taotao into his arms and fed her a mouthful of red wine from mouth to mouth.

 An Taotao didn't resist coughing a few times, and the wine overflowed to her mouth and her body, she was a mess for a moment.

"Mr. King, what are you doing?" She lightly covered her chest.

Her little face turned red, just like a mature cherry. "Red wine, is it delicious?" Mr. King's eyes flashed with harmful factors, and he bent over her lip and pecked it lightly. An Taotao was stucked, and the place where the lip bit was hot. "It's delicious."

Seeing her reaction, Mr. King was in a good mood and gently pressed her lip, "The gambling game has started. Your father's bet is seventy percent of the shares of the company." 

An Taotao was stunned, seventy percent, that number is not small, once lost, the company is finished. "However, this seventy percent share is also given to your father by me. If he loses, it is equivalent to returning it." Mr. King spoke carelessly as if these shares were worthless game coins in his eyes.

 Mr. King stared at the glass wall and smiled. "But if he wins, he will get double, so he will appear on the opposite side." 

"Mr. King, is this how you lured him?" An Taotao lifted her eyes and reflected Mr. King's appearance.

Mr. King shook his head and sneered, "This is not a trick, it is his willingness." An Taotao pulled the corners of the mouth, too lazy to argue with him, and looked away. 

Mr. King's hand slowly moved up and rubbed her ears. "Tell me, who will win this game?"

An Taotao looked at the glass wall again, only to see her father had already gambled his eyes red, but the red-haired young man was calm, like a shoo-in. "He is my father, and I definitely hope he wins." She bit her lip.

She said so in her mouth, but she didn't think so in her heart. She cut off relations with her father, and it had nothing to do with her to win or not.

"Oh, really?" Mr. King kept an eye on her. An Taotao looked into his dark eyes, and the alarm went off in an instant. 


She always felt as if he knew something and said, "Of course, that's my father." 

Mr. King sneered, and a glimmer of light flashed through his eyes. "I forgot to tell you, that man is a famous gambling lord in the city and never misses."

"Lord of gamblers?" An Taotao was stunned, and her eyes looked clear under the warm lights. "It seems that you wanted my father to lose from the beginning?" 

    "If this is the case, will you plead?" Mr. King's thin lips light, eyes riveted on her. An Taotao lashes a quiver, what was he thinking?

Mr. King's hand left the tear mole and buckled her shoulder instead. "Why don't you talk? Rumor has it that your father loves his daughter as much as his life.  As a daughter, is it unfilial not to plead for her father?  It breaks his heart." An Taotao frowned slightly, and her heart was very disgusted.

Love his daughter like his life? But she is just an illegitimate daughter who has been abandoned in the countryside.

An Taotao's heart beat like thunder, and she continued, "If he really loves me, why did he gave me to the Ninth Lord?" Mr. King frowned lightly, and he feels that when she said these words, there was an indescribable sadness. 

 An Taotao noticed the change in Mr. King's eyes and continued, "However, he is my father at least. If he lose, I hope you can let him go.” 

His eyebrows gently twist. “I feel tired after you said something against my will.” Mr. King said.

If it weren't for fear of death, she really wanted Mr. King to take back her home shares. "Is it?" Mr. King took a sip of red wine and pointed to the glass wall. "Do you think the results are satisfactory now?"