Chapter 324

It's pretty.

But it's not as beautiful as her eyes.

Lu Shuo looked into her eyes, nodded after a while and said, "it's beautiful."

After being recognized, Antaotao smiled more happily, just like a child. "How about I buy it for ninth master?"

Lu Shuo's eyes flickered, and there seemed to be a touch of pleasure in his eyes, but he was still expressionless. After a long time, he nodded with dignity, "OK."

Hearing what he said, Antaotao smiled and tiptoed to pin the brooch on his chest. The green gemstone reflected a ray of bright condensed light, which made his skin whiter and more insidious and mysterious.

It's beautiful and frightening. It's really a demon!

Lu Shuo poked the brooch with his hand. He didn't think it looked good, but he thought it would be a bit of a hindrance.

However, if this is one of her intentions, it's better to satisfy her.