
Was it because he was too old to keep up with these young people?

Greyson rubbed his hair again and felt more headache.

The manager, who was standing aside, took a look at the comments on micro-blog and suddenly thought of something. He patted his head and said, "boss, no wonder the Ann traditional Chinese medicine they said looks a little familiar. I finally remember it now."

At first, he was still depressed, but when he heard his words, he was shocked. He turned his head and frowned. "What do you think of?"

The manager found out the previous hot search and said, "boss, this Ann Chinese medicine is very famous. It has been on the hot search several times before, and the netizens are full of praise for this Ann Chinese medicine, known as the" fairy ointment "

"Does it have anything to do with what we exposed?"Wang nian took a look and wondered,

The manager swallowed and hesitated to tell her the truth.