Chapter 23

Dr. Durl pushed his reading glasses and walked back and forth beside the glass exhibition. His hands touching the glass trembled slightly. After a long time, he straightened up and his face was full of shock.

He looked at Mary Kinson and asked, "Miss Mary Kinson, is this a moon tree?"

Mary Kinson walked past and her red lips gently opened: "Yes, this is an adult half moontree. The young leaves guarded by the leaves are the most precious medicinal materials. If half moongrass is well raised, it will grow into a tree, and what is really expensive is not half moongrass but the green leaves in the middle."

Rose Kinson and Eri's face changed at the same time.

Moon tree...

It can't be! ?

In this world, it's amazing that someone can plant half moongrass, and there are half moontrees...

The guests were shocked to see the bunch of green plants in the glass exhibition. If this is a bunch of moon worship trees, it can be described as priceless. No wonder Stelly is so nervous.