Chapter 33

Below the knife-shaped eyebrows, there is a pair of deep eyes that are thick and cold. Blink lightly, and the aura is cold.

It really is a good time to come. Mary Kinson raised his eyebrows gently.

Beverly Kinson just hopes that he does not notice this farce right now, "William Black, have you eaten yet?"

William Black paused, not looking at him.

The thin lips curled up the radian, and Black looked at the older Tama, "Hello, Grandmother."

The tone polite.

Tama Kinson had known this prospective grandson-in-law since early that morning, but she had never seen him before. Today, she felt inexplicably guilty. Mainly because of his eagle-like eyes, he'd caught him bullying his wife.

William Black did not wait for her promise, and her gaze roamed over everyone present. "The things at the banquet must have been said by my father-in-law."

Beverly Kinson nodded. Only now did the old lady find out what the incident was all about.