Chapter 66

Meny smiles, "It is limited, but I still have the right to speak on my album. And there are some words on it that I recorded especially for you."

Rose Kinson's eyes light up slightly, and she can almost guess that her status in her friends will rise rapidly after being so coveted by the genius Meny.

Originally, the giants acknowledged her. If the younger generation were to take her, she would forever be the true daughter of the Kinson family. There will be no one to take care of Mary Kinson.

"I am glad."

Meny smiled like a gentleman.

Hopes that you can still be this happy then.

After dinner, Rose Kinson took some fruit to visit patients and headed straight to the hospital downtown.

She pushed the ward aside and only saw a girl lying in the hospital bed with her legs hanging in the air and smeared with a lot of ointment with a strange taste.

The smell is stronger when you come in and the whole room is filled with that smell.