Chapter 70

She clearly cried, and her eyes were red, but making her look somewhat weak.

A man would feel pitiful seeing her like this. Even Mary Kinson almost went to her and comforted her.

"Dad told me to call you downstairs to dinner."

Rose Kinson was not interested,"You eat, I have no appetite."

Mary Kinson urged coldly, "No matter what, you have to eat. Go downstairs quickly, or everyone will know Meny cut his relation with you."

Rose Kinson said in a weak voice "I really have no appetite."

Mary Kinson held her shoulders lazily, "It seems that you want your family to know that Meny broke up with you."

Rose Kinson moved her hand and suddenly raised her head,"Mary Kinson , don't go too far!"

In front of many girls during the day, Rose Kinson has lost face. She is afraid that the group of people will not take her as a friend.

However, Mary Kinson has been recognized by Meny in public, and her position in the circle will probably be different in the future.