Chapter 91

Mo Han picked up the phone and clicked on the information to read it carefully.

A few moments later, a smile really showed on her lips: "Just a rural woman, how dare she match Black family."

Monet wasKinsonrprised, the girl looks quite noble, he could not help but read the information, but really ...

Mo Han grinned, bent over her ear and whispered .

Monet frowned, "This ... this is not good, after all, it is also the seventh master ."

Mo Han stared at him, "What are you afraid of, this is our Mo family's territory, and besides, there is a grandmother to back us up if something goes wrong."

Monet shook his head, "Today is grandmother's birthday banquet, I do not want to upset her."

If you can not do it the hard way, Mo Han will do it the soft way.

She looked at him belligerently, "Brother, you did not see her talking to me today because of William! You do know that I am angry and that you do not want to take care of me?"