Chapter 122

Eva Black was suddenly dumb and her eyebrows frowned tightly.

What an eloquent girl!

But Mary Kinson hasn't married her family yet. This is no place where she can talk!

Eva Black also made a mockery, only to find that the girl who looks only about twenty years old has a rock-solid aura, which is really unusual.

When she was going to say it out, she pressed down for a while. Grandpa's condition was important.

Walking to the bed, Eva Black observed the body of Edmend, bent down, and asked softly: "Grandpa, wake up, I am Eva, and I came back to help you."

Originally, the family father was in a coma, but because of their sudden intrusion, it was delayed.

After the efficacy, the Edmend Black slowly opened his eyes, which were not clear, reflecting Eva Black's slightly thin face.

Recently, my physical condition is really poor, and my lips are dry , slowly opening: "Eva, you are here."