Chapter 178

At 9:43, class is approaching. All the teachers are holding seminars, no teachers will come, and the students are learning independently.

Class 402 is almost full of students, only freshmen Mary Kinson and Yang Feng have not come yet. Mincent sat in the last row of seats, with his chin supported by one hand and his brows frowned lightly, as if thinking about life problems, and his mouth kept chanting something.

One brother elbowed his arm and asked curiously, "Brother , what are you doing? Last night, you asked us to give a good lesson to the freshmen. Why are you absent-minded and thinking at the critical time?"

Mincent cocked his head and asked very seriously: "I ask you, if you always have a girl you like in your heart, although you haven't got her yet, you have already regarded her as your future wife, but..."

In the previous part, brothers all know that he refers to Susan.