Chapter 188

Nowadays, female college students are really good!

The man secretly thought, and eager to eat Mary Kinson, but can only follow her rhythm.

"Where then?"

"Come with me."Mary Kinson tied his hand, took his tie and walked to the cupboard beside the bed, then dumped him in: "Stay inside."

The man’s mind is still awake, staring at a small area, and some hesitates: "How to play here?"

The words sound just fell, Mary Kinson stretched out her hand and pushed him in.

The cowherd shrank and looked at her with injustice: "After all..."

He saw the girl in front took out the tape from his pocket, and sealed his mouth.

"Uh-huh..." The man finally realized something was wrong and began to struggle to come out.

The girl in front directly pulled up the cupboard door and put him in the dark with a bang.