
Eva Black looked back awkwardly and just saw Lavi Sue talking to Teddy Black on the promenade: "But I have let her in, and she seems to be talking to uncle Blaky."

Richard's eyebrows frowned and he asked: "Where is she?"

Eva Black pointed to the promenade and narrowed her eyes to confirm: "Look, too, is it there?"

Richard looked, only to see Lavi Sue standing in front of his father, and he didn't know what she was talking about.

A bad feeling welled up in his mind, his eyes sank, his face was covered with dark clouds, and he walked towards them with great strides: "This crazy woman!"

Today is a good day for family gatherings, and Grandpa is also very happy, but he can't let her ruin the banquet!

Here, Lavi Sue has successfully aroused Teddy Black's curiosity.

Teddy Black's eyes fell slowly on her, and she was very patient and self-restrained. "That Miss Sue please tell me and I will ssee if I can help."

Lavi Sue nodded politely: "It's me..."

"Lavi Sue!"