
"I let you go!" Goo Willilam leans over and his handsome face zooms in on Mary Kinson.

She instantly saw the blue veins protruding from his forehead and the abnormal scarlet at the bottom of his eyes. When she moved her eyes down, she saw the blood vessels burst when he pinched his fists.

She seemed to see the devil, and suddenly remembered the picture of beating the project leader in his dark room near the company.

It's just like eating people.

This is obviously abnormal!

Mary Kinson's heart sank and she wanted to escape without thinking.


As if her fist had hit her heart, Mary Kinson trembled all over. She quickly turned around and saw that Gu Willilam's fist had hit the post on the corridor, and a piece of railing was slightly shaken.

Is this power really available to human beings?!

Mary Kinson's heart went up.

Then, the sound of "Dong Dong Dong" kept coming, which seemed to suppress the rainstorm weather for several months.