
A loud and clear slap directly stopped the strong wind, and suddenly it became quiet all around. Only the sound of Yaoi's body being fanned to the ground was heard.

Lavie Sue took the paper towel handed by the people around her, wiped the saliva from her face, and threw it aside with disgust: "I'd rather die here than betray Mary Kinson!" Yaoi lay on the ground, unable to stand up. Her small body was as weak as an old doll: "Yes."

"Good! Good! That's great!"

She dosen’t know what's good about Mary Kinson, who can make Yaoi work so hard for her!?

Lavie Sue angrily took out her mobile phone and called Jiang Zeyan.

No one answered the phone, but the phone rang nearby. Lavie Sue looked around and found Jiang Zeyan coming towards them.

Jiang Zeyan only wore a thin shirt, with the cuffs rolled to the end of the elbows. The exposed elbows were full of power, and Lengjun's face was full of fierce edges and corners.