
Mary Kinson was calm at first. When she could see Yaoi, she couldn't help standing up.

Yaoi really had an accident, but the person behind it was Lavie Sue!

Her eyes were filled with heartbreak and self-blame.

Lavie Sue took out her mobile phone and turned on the camera, pointed it at Yaoi's face, and pointed it at the microphone to remind: "If you are interested, you can open the room number of the live broadcast room XX5848. Next is the time to decrypt the murderer."

After that, she sent a text message to Shi Zeyan on her mobile phone to force him to speak.

Yaoi could not hear the voices of the reporters outside. His ears were only filled with the faint breath of his family in front of the microphone, especially the lightest breath, which occasionally lasted for a long time.

Her heart was almost numb with pain.