
Suddenly, a mask fell on Mary Kinson's face. By instinct, she reached out to take it.

A low male voice sounded in her ear, "put it on quickly. The gas is poisonous..."

"Miss Yan?" Mary Kinson asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

The hand holding the poison mask tightly pressed the mask on her face. His voice was a little weak. "These passages are actually connected. I came over from the other end of the line. As soon as I approached the Black Mist, I heard the conversation between you and assistant ."

After saying that, he put his other hand on her shoulder and said, "I can see things in the mist with my glasses. Listen to me now. Hold my hand and we walk out of the mist together. The mist is too poisonous. We can't stay here for one more minute."

Mary Kinson nodded. Wearing a mask, she listened to him and walked forward. However, the fog covered a larger area than they had expected, as if it was spreading.