Chapter 13

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Yang Shuting startled, wondering if the two punks were back. Shy as ever, she asked through the door who it was.


"It's me, Wen Yuhang." A soft, friendly voice came from outside the door .


Yang Shuting breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to open the door to let Wen Yuhang in, but at thought of her current pitiful appearance , and that the paint of door outside hadn't been cleaned yet!


"But I ......" Yang Shuting hesitated.


"What's the matter? Don't you welcome me? Then I will leave now!" Hearing that, he seemed a little disappointed.


"No ......" Yang Shuting hurriedly opened the door. Actually, she hadn't meant it that way.


Wen Yuhang frowned, looked at her wet hair that was still stained with red dye, and asked her what was wrong with it.


Today, he happened to have the day off, he came to her, inquired about the floor where she lives.


Knowing that she lived on the fifth floor, he climbed the stairs, the door outside and above the door was painted! When he heard her voice, he rejoiced in his heart that he had not gone to the wrong apartment.


"It's nothing." Yang Shuting did not tell him what had just happened, but invited Wen Yuhang to come in and sit down, and poured him a cup of boiled water. Then she sat down opposite him and saw him frown in disbelief.


She smiled and said she didn't know who had put the paint, and when she had gotten up in the morning to go to work, she had accidentally knocked it over and the paint had flowed out.


Wen Yuhang naturally didn't believe what she said, if that's the case, how did the paint appeared on the door, and her hair is also stained. But Wen Yuhang did not inquire further.


He looked at the house she lived in with a glance, simple and neat.


"You live alone?" he asked.


"Yes." Yang Shuting smiled gently.


Then the two fell silent, and the atmosphere grew a little uncomfortable.


"Well, what brings you here?" asked Yang Shuting suddenly, interrupting the embarrassing scene.


"I came by, so I take a look." Wen Yuhang smiled, "You didn't invite me last night, so I took the initiative to come see you myself today."


He smiled, revealing two shallow dimples, and his jet black eyes shone brightly.


Yang Shuting was lost in thought for a moment, her face flushed.


"I have nothing to entertain you with, let me invite you to an alfresco meal. But a noble like you must not go to these restaurants and gourmet shops to eat." Yang Shuting said.


"Why?" asked Wen Yuhang incredulously.


"You're used to eating in the hotel restaurants, so of course you don't care about eating in those little shops." Yang Shuting said, "If I went to a hotel restaurant, one meal would mean a month's salary for me."


"Then I'll buy you a meal." Wen Yuhang said, "By the way, have you had breakfast yet, don't you have to go to work today?"


"Took the day off." Yang Shuting suddenly felt very hungry.


"Haven't had breakfast today, I spilled a floor of paint outside, and haven't cleaned up yet!"


"Let someone else clean up for you!" said Wen Yuhang.


"I'd rather clean up myself! After all, I'm the one who knocked it over!" said Yang Shuting.


The residents of that floor had seen her get splattered with paint this morning, so who was going to help her clean up!


"No need." Wen Yuhang said,


"Give some money so the landlord can find some people to clean it up." When Yang Shuting saw this, he had doubts and said that he would pay for it.


Wen Yuhang actually found the landlord, gave some money and let the landlord find someone to clean up. The landlord took the money, smiled, patted his chest and said he would clean it up.


Yang Shuting put on casual clothes, but she saw that her hair was still stained with paint, and went to the bathroom to take Vaseline to clean it. Wen Yuhang waited her down the stairs.


When she was going out, she met the landlord, who said with a smile, "Miss Yang, your boyfriend is so good to you!"


When Yang Shuting heard this, she was embarrassed and explained, "He's not my boyfriend."


"Then he is your husband." Said the lady of the house.


Her face flushed, she didn't know what to say, and when she saw Wen Yuhang giggling on the sidelines, she was a little annoyed.


As she got into the car, Yang Shuting stared at him and said, "Why didn't you help me in the first place?"


"I think it's just as well." He seemed to enjoy such a misunderstanding.


"There's no need to explain, explanation equals cover-up."


That was true.


She took him to a restaurant for breakfast, the soft sunlight shining in, making him look unusually good.


She liked the feeling of being with him, very pleasant, just like this sunshine.


"What's up today, you look pretty happy."


After she finished dinner with Wen Yuhang and left the restaurant, she drove her around for a while, chatting happily.


Yang Shuting found that Wen Yuhang had many of the same hobbies as her. Later, he received a call that he needed to take care of some urgent business. Seeing that he had something to do, Yang Shuting said that she would just leave.


Wen Yuhang didn't feel well and insisted on driving her home, but she wouldn't let him and said she wanted to go to the mall to take a walk and took the day off. Wen Yuhang had to let her off.


She didn't go to the mall, but bought some fruit to visit her mother in the hospital.


Zhang Qin asked, "Oh yes, why haven't I seen Tang Bin lately?"


Her daughter's expression changed too quickly, just now it was sunny, how can it be a rainy day today!


It's like turning the page of a book.


Zhang Qin frowned slightly and asked cautiously, "What's wrong?"


Yang Shuting didn't hide from her mother and said, "Tang Bin and I broke up."


"Is it because of him?" Zhang Qin looked at her daughter.


"It's my reason." Zhang Qin sighed softly, then smiled and said, "Just break up, the old one didn't leave and the new one won't come."


Yang Shuting also smiled, but the smile at the corner of her mouth had a hint of bitterness.


After she left the hospital, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and the sky was slowly turning gray.


When she got home, she found that the paint at the entrance had been cleaned, though she could still smell the pungent odor of paint. Yang Shuting looked back and saw that the hallway was darkly lit and no one was there.


She was afraid that someone would suddenly throw paint on her. She thought about it for a day, but couldn't think of a single reason why she have offended anyone. Thoughtfully she took out her keys and opened the door and went in, only to feel physically and mentally exhausted, then she collapsed on the bed and closed her eyes, but one face came into her mind, the evil face.


Suddenly she opened her eyes and sat up, Yang Shuting was wondering why she was thinking about him, the man she wanted to hate but couldn't.


Then she heard the phone keep ringing, she picked it up and saw it was an unknown phone number.


She hung up and fell into bed, tossing and turning for a while before falling asleep.


The next day she goes to work.


Just now she came to the first floor of the company, she met Huang Xin, wearing a clean and flowing white dress, she looked fresh and charming.


"Didn't you come to the office yesterday?" asked Huang Xin. They entered the elevator together.


"Yes!" replied Yang Shuting.


"Have you been back to the hospital to visit your mother?"




"How's your aunt's illness?" asked Huang Xin with concern.


"Same as always." Yang Shuting said, "But she's looking much better lately!"


With a ding, the elevator door opened, Huang Xin walked out, some staff members also walked out.


Yang Shuting pressed the button for the tenth floor and stood straight there, looking at the jumping numbers, but ignored that there was someone else in the elevator, this person was Ling Weihao, he took a newspaper, with silver rimmed glasses, looked scholarly.


He used the newspaper to cover himself so that many people could not recognize him. he had already heard what Huang Xin and Yang Shuting said just now, and he had not expected Yang Shuting to have a mother.


When she was transferred to him as a secretary, he heard that the supervisor of her previous department, Li, complained about her and wanted to fire her because she often took leave without reason.


At first, he thought that it was because she went to the bars and nightclubs at night and earn extra money from side jobs.


Today, as he overheard the conversation between them, she wasn't taking leave for that reason, but to go to the hospital and take care of her mother.


Some of his views about her changed a little. But what he can't change is that she is, after all, a girl in a nightclub, no different from these women whose bodies are being trampled on.


She was completely unaware that Ling Weihao was in the elevator, to the tenth floor, the elevator door opened.


She walked out of the elevator, back to her workplace, but also became unaware that he was behind it.


Shortly after she sat down on the chair, Li came over and said that Mr. Ling had asked her to come to the office.


Yang Shuting was dumbfounded, what could this be?


She walked to the president's office door, raised her hand and knocked on the door, only to hear a deep male voice from inside "Please come in", she pushed the door open and walked in.


"May I ask what Mr. Ling would like to discuss with me?" In his presence, she had to be respectful.


Sitting on the chair, Ling Weihao leisurely leaned back, his gaze casting a cold glance at her body, his voice was still as cold as frost, "I heard that you took a vacation yesterday, Secretary Yang?"


Yes, there were some urgent matters yesterday, so I asked one day leave." Yang Shuting replied.


"Have you forgotten that a leave of absence has to be approved from me."


A trace of doubt flashed across Yang Shuting's face as she said incredulously, "I already explained it to Li and got permission."


"I know. other staff can explain it to Li, but you have to get approval with my permission or it will be counted as three days of absence."


Yang Shuting's mind immediately buzzed and said in panic, "But ... I had an emergency yesterday after all!"


Ling Weihao raised his hand to signal her to shut up ,


"I'm warning you this time, I hope you won't make the same mistake next time."


"I know you have to go to those nightclubs to earn extra money, but remember not to come to work with those disgusting smells coming from the nightclubs and drag the whole company into the dirt." Ling Weihao said coldly, with a hint of mockery in his tone.


When Yang Shuting heard that, she looked at him with wide eyes, she didn't expect him to say such words that would humiliate her nakedly, she felt angry and offended at the same time, but couldn't contradict him.


If she didn't need the job she would throw the papers in his face, tell him out loud "I quit" and turn around and leave. But now that's not an option, if she loses this job, there's no funds. Where was she going to get the money to help her mother pay the high medical bills?


"Yes, I know!" said Yang Shuting in a low voice, then she stepped forward and said, "These documents need to be signed by Mr. Ling."


Ling Weihao frowned, he was humiliating her, making it difficult for her to step back, didn't she want to make some sort of statement? He picked up the documents, took the pen, signed them quickly, waved his hand and let her walk out.


She left the President's office with the documents in her arms, and just as her hand touched the handle, the door opened, and she was surprised and stunned when Wen Yuhang appeared at the door, dressed in a suit and looked handsome.


He had a warm smile on his face, some surprise in his eyes, and then looked at her gently.


As Yang Shuting looked at him, she was a little lost in thought and looked back, hastily lowering her head.


Li walked in and said to Ling Wei Hao, "Mr. Ling, Mr. Wen is here."


Yang Shuting hurriedly left the president's office, clutching the documents tightly, her hands were sweaty, her heart was pounding like a deer. How did Wen Yuhang suddenly come to Wansheng? Maybe he has something to look for Ling Weihao! Even if it is not business, they were close friends and will talk about other things.


Yang Shuting returned to her workplace and heard a few female colleagues talking about Yuhang.


"That handsome guy is Wen Yuhang?"


"Yes, he is Wen Yuhang, I heard that his family is very rich."


Yang Shuting smiled slightly and shook her head, .


Yang Shuting just felt that he is like the moon high above, and she is a small grain of sand, they are two parallel lines, it is impossible to have an overlap . If he is not the director of the Wen Group, if he is not the original heir of the Wen, just an employee of the company, she could consider ... But that's not possible. It's already a great honor to be friends with him.


About half an hour later, the door of the president's office opened, Wen Yuhang and Ling Wei Hao came out, they were like two bright stars that made the whole company shine, the female employees who worked here were stunned.


Even there was someone deliberately knocked Wen Yuhang, the hands of the document fell to the floor with a snap, the woman panicked, squatting on the floor , revealing two masses of flesh, whose breast waw clearly visible.