Chapter 16

Baiwei looked at Yang Shuting, why does everyone fall on her side and help her .


"You are the president, your word counts!" said Bai Wei.


Ling Weihao grinned and said nothing .


Bai Wei didn't want to stay here anymore either, being here would only make him the laughing stock of everyone, so he went back .


After Bai Wei left, Yang Shuting looked at Ling Wei Hao, whose face was terribly gloomy, and said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you ."


"What are you thanking me for? It's not like I'm helping you." He said, "Come to my office later."


When Yang Shuting heard that sentence she couldn't help but cringe, every time she was called to the office there was nothing good. She feared it would be the same this time, one day she was called to the office and asked by him to do have sex twice, if this continued she was afraid she would go crazy.


As she had expected, as soon as she entered his office, she was furiously questioned by Ling Weihao whether she was Wen Yuhang's girlfriend, as the people outside said?


He thought that he really didn't understand this woman, not long ago she denied the relationship , but now he heard that people said she was Wen Yuhang's girlfriend. This was ridiculous.


Yang Shuting looked at Ling Weihao, her eyes were innocent, she shook her head, "No, I am not Wen Yuhang's girlfriend."


His eyes were filled with angry flames.


It always felt like a betrayal, as if she had gotten involved with another man behind his back.


Yang Shuting's lumbar spine slammed into the armrest of the sofa, which became unstable, then she fell onto the floor. Her head hit the sharp end of the coffee table, her forehead was red and swollen, and blood flowed from it.


The pain was so intense that she was about to choke. She felt dizzy and didn't even have the strength to stand up.


She slumped on the ground, "Mr. Ling, even if I have an affair with Wen Yuhang, it's still between me and him, it's none of your business."


Ling Weihao was slightly stunned, yes, what business is it of his?


He squatted down, the corners of his mouth curved into a seemingly absent smile, he reached into her messy hair, only to hear Yang Shuting muffled moans of pain, the blood in front of his forehead spilling into his face. He sounded extremely cold, "You are my wife, but you are also my plaything, you are mine."


Hearing those words, Yang Shuting was stunned, her eyes filled with panic, then she laughed out loud, she even had tears in her eyes.


Ling Weihao frowned, his cold eyes looked up with a hint of confusion, "What are you laughing at?"


Yang Shuting raised her gaze, eyes full of anger, and stared straight at him,


"Mr. Ling, when did I become your wife, when did I become your plaything? And when did I become your tool? Why should I be used by you? And what right and authority do you have to interfere in my life?"


He twisted her hand tighter.


Yang Shuting let out a painful "ouch", she didn't even have the strength to fight back anymore.


Ling Weihao laughed lightly, his expression was disdainful, "Your life isn't just about sleeping with men, it's also about what you care about - money."


"Yes, I'd rather sleep with other men than be tied to you, you beastly devil!" scolded Yang Shuting angrily and viciously.


" Try saying it again." No one had ever dared to scold him like that, he was the famous Ling Weihao, who was high up and had a lot of money, how many people flattered him and how many women tried to mount his bed, but this woman in front of him, dared to scold him.


"You beastly devil, beastly devil ......" Yang Shuting repeated the curses, gritting her teeth and spitting in his face. He continued to torture her, it would be better to let her die an agonizing death.


"Good, very good!" Ling Weihao grimaced, a cold light was shining in his eyes, "Then I will let you see the beastly devil, then I will let you experience the pain that is worse than death."


He stood up, grabbed her tightly by the hair and dragged her in front of the tall bookshelf as if he were pulling an object.


He pressed a button, the bookshelf parted, a wide door appeared in front of it.


He pressed the password, the door opened, inside was a spacious and large suite.


Yang Shuting was jammed into the suite. Ling Weihao threw Yang Shuting onto the wide bed like an object. She was surprised and panicked, she had been here for so long, going in and out of the president's office, and didn't know that there were actually other rooms in the president's office.


"What are you doing here? Let go of me, let go of me ......" Before she could respond, her hands were already tied with strips on the left and right ends of the bed. She struggled desperately as he took another strip of cloth and bound her feet.


After tying her up, he sealed her mouth with a tape.


Ling Weihao took out a pair of scissors from a nearby drawer.


Yang Shuting looked at the sharp scissors, her eyes widened in fear, she wanted to scream but couldn't. She shook her head in despair, she was terrified! He's not only a beast, he's a madman.


Suddenly thoughts flashed back to these madmen, murderers, Yang Shuting thought of her mother still in the hospital, if she dies, who will take care of her mother ? She can't die like this, no, no way ...


The desire to live gradually disappears. She only saw Ling Weihao riding on her waist, eyes flashing with evil light, scissors in hand.


Yang Shuting closed her eyes, listening to the sound of the scissors, her heart fluttering, and her hands clenching, her palms already wet with sweat.


"Why don't you just kill me!" She can't wait for him to end her life with a single cut so she doesn't have to suffer through his agony.


"Why would I kill you, I want to preserve your life, slowly, torture you, I want to make your life worse than death."


Yang Shuting looked in panic at the scissors he held, fearful that he would slash her face and leave a mark that could never be erased. "No, I'm begging you, please let me go, okay? Please ......"


All she can do now is beg him for mercy.


Seeing the tears in the corners of her eyes and hearing her plea for mercy, Ling Weihao couldn't move. Of course, he wouldn't be so terrible that he actually had to cut her face. This woman, was living on her face, if it is destroyed, it is more painful than death.


"You know now that you can beg me, but ......" Ling Weihao looked at her with misty eyes, "It's late!"


It was as if he were pronouncing a death sentence, which made Yang Shuting's heart almost dead.