Chapter 5 (Discovering New Powers)

As usual, Natasha had been busy selling all day at her stall. Business had been booming and her stall was filled with customers, which made her extremely ecstatic. She was glad to see that the new business strategy she had adopted was very effective in helping to boost the sales of her business. She was hopeful that she might be able to earn enough money to pay the ridiculous protection fee Brute had requested.

However, this evening that thought was completely shattered. When she was about to close her stall after the set of customers currently in her stall had left, the sound of bike engines coming from the distance attracted everybody's attention. Just as everyone had predicted it was none other than the Crow Gang.

Slick and his lackeys parked their bikes in front of Natasha's stall before walking inside.

"Woooo, this place is totally packed." Slick whistled as he commented.

Natasha approached them hurriedly, hoping they wouldn't ruin her business today again.

"What do you want and why are you here today?" Natasha questioned with an annoyed tone.

"Hey bitch, watch how you talk to me. I don't fancy the tone you're using and I won't overlook it if you disrespect me again today." Slick warned.

"Besides why ask such stupid questions? We are here to collect our fees." Slick revealed with a smirk.

"What do you mean? Today is our agreed day so you can't expect me to possibly give you any money when you came here unexpectedly." Natasha agrued vehemently.

"Suprising, I clearly heard Brute telling you all that we will be back."

"But he didn't say you lowlifes would invade unexpectedly on a day like this." Natasha retorted.

"Tch, take a look at this bitch running her mouth. You're really such a pain because you always have something to say but guess what we run this whole district and whatever we decide is law. So if I say I'm here to collect then you have absolutely no choice but to give unless you're willing to do so something about it."

Natasha gritted her teeth in silent fury. Slick was right even though she hated to admit it but there was nothing she could do about it.

"So where is our money?" Slick asked again.

"I don't have it....yet."

Slick was infuriated by Natasha's response. "What did you say? You don't have our money or you don't want to give us our money?"

"I don't have the money." Natasha repeated.

"Ha, don't play with me Natasha. I have eyes and they can see clearly. I mean just look at the way your stall is packed which means you are definitely making lots of sales and you're refusing to pay my money."

"Look Slick if you just come back on your usual day I promise that it will be ready. " Natasha tried to persuade Slick further.

"No..No..No, I told you before that you don't get to decide and you know what's going to happen if you refuse to comply."

Suddenly, a loud noise resonated from the stall opposite Natasha's stall. Natasha saw Slick's lackeys already in the process of wrecking that stall which was the reason for the loud noise. When she shifted her gaze back to Slick, he already had a wide grin on his face.

The noise outside was now getting louder as more stalls were being wrecked by Slick's men. Natasha pushed Slick aside and raced outside to see the destruction.

Slick who had followed Natasha outside stood behind her and placed both his hands on her hips.

"You crazy bastard, don't you dare touch me" Natasha warned after she abruptly turned around and slapped Slick on the cheek again. "This isn't just about the damn fees, is it?" She asked with a glare.

"This damn bitch."

Slick held his cheek after the impact of the slap. This was the second time Natasha had humiliated him like this and he wasn't willing to overlook it this time. He raised his hands to hit Natasha back in order to vent his anger but his arm wasn't dropping to hit Natasha.

"I'm not going to let it go this time Brute, so back off right this instant." Slick said before turn to look at Brute. However he was surprised to see that it wasn't who he had expected was gripping his hand.

"Who the hell are you?" Slick questioned.

"Kyle" Natasha called out. She was totally surprised to see him here. Moreover she didn't even see him coming as he just appeared right in front of her.

"You know this son of a bitch?" Slick asked Natasha but he was ignored.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at home right now. You can't be here." Natasha said frantically.

Kyle questioned her, ignoring what she said. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Kyle had been racing towards her stall and he was nearby when he saw Slick raising his arm to hit Natasha. Fortunately, for his speed, he was able to make it on time before Slick's arm could reach Natasha.

"I'm fine son, but what are you doing here?" Natasha asked again.

"I heard that there was a commotion here and I just couldn't stay back at home without coming to check up on you." Kyle explained.

Slick was furious that he was ignored by both Natasha and Kyle.

"Are you bastard now ignoring me, huh?" Slick yelled as he tried to pull his hands out of Kyle's grasp but he was unable to become the grip around his hands was tight. "How is this kid so strong?" Slick thought.

"Hey, let go of my hand right now, punk." Slick ordered but Kyle remained adamant as he glared back at Kyle.

"Kyle please let him go now immediately." Natasha told Kyle.

Thinking about how Slick almost hit Natasha made Kyle furious. He refused his mother's request, instead tightening his grip around Slick's wrist, causing it to break

"Arrrrgh!" Slick loudly screamed in pain.

"Let our boss go right now or else it gonna get nasty for you kid." One of the gang members shouted when he saw how much pain Slick was in.

"And what if I refuse to comply with that? What are you going to do about it?" Kyle asked.

"This freaking bastard, do you actually think you can take on all of us all by yourself? We've been running this area for years and we have never been defeated." Another thug answered.

"We will give you just one more chance to comply kid or else we'll wreck this whole place and beat the crap out of you." Another thug contributed.

"Hehehe, you heard that punk? Let me go now and I might consider just breaking two of your limbs...argh fuck."

As Slick was still running his mouth, Kyle snapped his wrist. In reality, that was not what he wanted, he just wanted to tighten his grip harder, but because he still couldn't control his strength he broke the wrist by mistake.

The tension was rising and every customer in the stall started to run before they got caught up in the brawl. However, they were nearby because they also wanted to witness the incident. Even the rest of the gang members including Brute that were wrecking the other shops had now started to gather.

Natasha tried to free Kyle's arm from Slick who was already on the verge of fainting due to the extreme pain he was feeling. However her efforts were futile.

"When did he get so strong?" Natasha wondered.

"Kid, I know you are the weakass son of that bitch. I'm also aware that you want to play hero to save everyone but right now you're most definitely playing with fire." Brute who had just arrived to the scene warned Kyle.

"I dare you to do your worst" Kyle responded to the challenge without hesitation.

"Kyle have you gone mad? Did you realize what you just said?" Natasha chided. "I want you to release him this instant and apologize as well," she added.

"I refuse mom but it would be the other way round today. We are not going to apologize to this leecher today. They have tormented everyone in this district for years and they have also taken advantage of us but I'm not going to stand for it anymore" Kyle stated and his response left Natasha restless.

Kyle wasn't confident he would win, but he was certain he could do serious damage to some of them. He just wanted to make a point to this lowlifes today.

"That's it I have had enough of this bullshit. Go get him boys" Brute orders the rest of the lackeys.

Thinking that Kyle was still just a weakling like before and that he only got lucky to capture Slick, they all attacked him carelessly.

Kyle viciously punched the first opponent to approach him in the face, which resulted in the breaking of his jaw and made him collapse immediately.

This caught the rest of them off guard and in shock at what had just happened.

"What the fuck are you doing? Get that kid and use your abilities if you have to, besides it seems like he is an awakened" Brute yelled from the back.

The rest of the thugs started activating their abilities and prepared to attack the second time again after listening to Brute's orders.

"Mom take cover behind the counter and don't come out until I say so" Kyle said when he realized how messy the situation was about to become.

Natasha was worried that Kyle would get hurt. However, she also understood that her presence might hinder him in some way. Even though she still didn't understand how Kyle could throw such a powerful punch it was obvious that Kyle could match up against them.

She hurriedly moved to hide herself behind the counter just as Kyle instructed. Meanwhile Kyle was already surrounded by his opponents.

"You're in trouble now Kid, you could have just apologized and taken a little beating before we let you go but now we're gonna fuck you up" one of them said before they began attacking him again.

As a distraction, Kyle threw Slick at one of them with one arm. He then dashed in the other direction with incredible speed and threw a jab at his opponent's chin.

This sent him flying up in the air before landing back on the ground, but Kyle wasn't able to embrace the feeling of his successful attack when he sensed another attack coming behind him.

Kyle quickly swerved to the right to avoid the attack which turned out to be a fireball. When he turned to face the direction the fireball came from, Kyle saw a few more fireballs flying toward him but compared to his speed the fireballs were moving very slowly.

Kyle easily dodged the fireball which was another shock to his opponents.

Apart from having abilities, metahumans have far superior physical capability than a regular human but this also varies according to the rank of the ability that they awakened. Kyle's physical prowess was even more impressive than that of a B-rank metahuman. Due to this fact, Kyle had thought that he had awakened a physical enhancement ability that improved his physique.

However, Kyle was able to feel the residue of energy that was used to cast the fireballs. He also realized that he could control that energy. In an instant, a fireball erupted out of Kyle's hand.

It flew directly to the same thug that had launched the fireball at Kyle. However, Kyle's fireball was much bigger, so the thug was blown away because he was unable to escape it.


Thank you very much guys, I really appreciate you all reading my book. Please feel free to correct any grammatical errors and most of all Please keep supporting my book with Power stones and Golden Tickets.