Chapter 8 (I'm the New Kyle Kingston)

Kyle was expecting Natasha to ask him about all the unbelievable events that had occurred in the last few hours which he was also still trying to process.

In addition to the fact that he was honestly surprised by all the things he had done earlier that had brought them to this point, he understood that it was going to be an unavoidable discussion.

In fact more than anybody else Kyle was very surprised at himself because he was unaware that he was capable of being cruel and ruthless as he was previously. It was also to the extent that he felt no remorse or discomfort for his actions as if it was just a normal routine for him.

Kyle could identify the changes in his personality. He used to be timid and shy but when he fought earlier his behavior was domineering and all he felt was anger. On several occasions they had humiliated both him and Natasha. That may be why he was enraged, because he wanted vengeance.

"Was this the burden of being powerful? The grueling trials strong people endure in order to not be devoured by the powers they possessed?" Kyle deeply wondered as he continued walking home in slow steps along with his mother beside him.

On the other hand, Natasha was actually very curious to have a full understanding of what she was missing. However, she held back her curiosity since she could tell by the expression on his face that Kyle was currently in a dilemma too.

Kyle has always been a kind kid. All these years he had been bullied by many people but he would rarely complain and even if she asked he would always smile and tell her not to worry about it.

Today was the first time Natasha witnessed another side of Kyle that was totally different from the previous one. She could remember the sadistic smile on his face when he was breaking bones and torturing his opponents. It was very different from the usual gentle smile he always had.

Natasha, however, was determined to trust him and always stayed by his side.

The duo soon arrived home and ate dinner together as they usually did without even talking about the incident before retiring to bed.

Kyle was woken up by the familiar ringing tone of his alarm. It was Monday and he had to get himself ready for school.

After showering, he put on the extra uniform he had since the other one was ruined in the accident. It was a bit tighter and shorter than usual because Kyle had undergone a significant change in his physique and height.

"Damn it, I need to purchase another pair of uniforms but this one should be manageable for awhile." While staring in the mirror, Kyle muttered to himself "Wow, I never knew Kyle was so good-looking."

When Kyle was done dressing up, he headed to the living room and as expected Natasha had already made breakfast.

"Good morning mom " Kyle greeted her as he took his seat at the dining table.

Natasha was surprised to see Kyle dressed up for school after all the drama that happened the previous day.

"I wasn't aware that you were going back to school today"

"Yeah, I'm all better now so I don't have to sit around at home. I have missed two weeks already and I don't want any more time off," Kyle replied casually.

"But Kyle you just got discharged a week ago.Don't you think you need more rest?" Natasha tried to persuad.

"Mom I beat up twelve guys yesterday remember, I awakened so I am not weak like before and that was proof."

"I know young man and I remember how thrilling it was to watch you demonstrate how strong you are and that is exactly why I am actually worried about you returning to school yet." Natasha had a serious expression on her face

Kyle couldn't help but laugh when he realized why Natasha was actually asking to stay back at home.

"I can't promise not to start a fight if they start one with me first." Kyle honestly replied.

Natasha sighed.

"Exactly, I'm afraid of what you might do if they actually start a fight with you. Kyle I don't know how strong those kids are but considering what you did yesterday I can confidently say that your powers are overwhelming than most of them."

"Honestly, I still have trouble comprehending it. Kyle you might now stronger than those kids that used to bully you but they don't know that yet. They would still give you the same sort of treatment, unaware of the fact that you are different and I'm afraid you might go overboard when you retaliate."

Natasha openly confessed her uneasiness which was causing a huge disturbance in her mind. She was hoping Kyle would listen to her plea.

"The only way to make me feel comfortable is if you promise not to fight at least until you graduate." Natasha pleaded.

Kyle was silent for a few minutes before he finally responded.

"I understand mom and I apologize If my actions yesterday made you worry. But I can't make such promises, all these years I have always taken beatings quietly when I was weak. Now that I have been blessed with power it won't stay the same."

"I'm determined to change our lives. Anyone that dares to trample on our dignity or humiliate us will have to pay as long as I have strength. I can only promise you that I will pay them back accordingly and try to hold back as much as possible."

Natasha sighed again she heard Kyle's response which also made her ponder for a while. "That is good enough for me. Besides now that I think about it, it was actually selfish of me to ask you to keep folding your hands after all the humiliation you had to endure."

"I know you're only looking out for me but you don't have to worry anymore. I won't be breaking bones unless necessary." Kyle smiled as he assured Natasha.

Natasha laughed at Kyle's joke which livened up the serious atmosphere in the room.

"Hurry up and eat fast or you might be late today," Natasha warned.

"Naaah, I'll make it on time because I can now run faster than the bus itself." Kyle bragged as he stuffed his mouth with food which made Natasha chuckle lightly.

The discussion with Natasha made Kyle feel very lighthearted. After breakfast, Kyle didn't waste anymore time and headed for school.

However just like he had told Natasha earlier, Kyle didn't take the bus as he normally would. Instead, he ran until he finally stopped at the entrance to the academy and just like every other student, he casually walked to his classroom.

Previously Kyle was timid and walked with his back always bent because he had low self-esteem, but this time was different.

Kyle's composure was filled with confidence which made him unrecognizable to everyone he encountered. When he got to his class he quietly took his seat at his usual desk which had been lacking his presence for the past two weeks.

"Wow, who is that? Is he a new transfer student?

"Who in their right mind would transfer at the end of the semester? But he is very hot."

Many whispers and comments continued to travel through the air. However Kyle plainly ignored his surroundings even though he could clearly hear every comment about him. Though it felt good to finally be acknowledged, these were the same people that scorned him when he was at his lowest. Therefore, he wasn't too thrilled to give them a little bit of attention.

The bell rang and soon after the male teacher walked into the classroom. "Good morning everyone." He greeted them with a smile.

"Good morning Mr. Lee." The students returned the gesture by greeting back.

Mr. Lee nodded before he started speaking. "As usual I'll first be taking down your attendance before we move down to the main business of the day." After explaining he started calling out the names of the students and marking their names in return until his gaze arrived at Kyle's desk.

"And who might you be young man? I wasn't informed about a new transfer student in my classroom." Mr. Lee politely asked Kyle who was sitting at his desk unaware of his identity.

Kyle was dumbfounded by the question, but he wasn't too surprised either because earlier his classmates couldn't even recognize him.

"My names is already on the registry sir, and I'm not a new student either." Kyle replied.

"Are you playing a prank with me boy? How can your name be on the register when this is your first time here in this classroom." Mr. Lee argued vehemently.

"The person that desk belongs to is Kyle Kingston who has been absent for a while due to certain circumstances and I didn't assign it to anyone yet which is also why the name on this register still remains Kyle Kingston."

"Exactly sir, I told you my name was already on the list. I am Kyle Kingston...." Kyle paused for a second "...the new Kyle Kingston." He added with a smile.


Thank you very much guys, I really appreciate you all reading my book. Please feel free to correct any grammatical errors and most of all Please keep supporting my book with Power stones and Golden Tickets.