Chapter 12 (Everyone knows Fear)

Kyle was in a very pleasant mood as he sat down at his desk inside the classroom. Although his face didn't reveal any emotion, he still looked radiant enough to captivate the attention of his classmates especially the females who continued to steal glances at him.

Kyle could definitely feel their gazes on him, but he just ignored them all and kept his focus on the lesson that the teacher was giving. Nevertheless, he sensed a few stares that kept getting to him, and without turning around he could tell they were coming from Jack and his goons

From the moment he arrived in the morning, Jack had been shooting him those deadly glares which was so obvious that every other student in the class had noticed. However, they all pretended to be unaware of that fact because they were afraid of getting on Jack's sour side.

This reaction was to be expected from Jack because of the stunt that Kyle pulled off yesterday in the cafeteria. Thus, there was no reason for them to interfere with matters that could end up being troublesome.

As soon as the class ended, Kyle stood up from his seat and left the classroom. He slowly walked along the hallway and just as he had expected, he was being followed.

Kyle kept walking at the same pace until he arrived at the men's restroom, which he entered. It took a few seconds for his stalkers to also walk into the room to find Kyle standing next to the wall with one of his feet on the wall and folding his arms across his chest.

"You guys don't seem surprised that I have already figured out that I was being followed by you. It looks like you've heard about what happened to your friends yesterday." Kyle said calmly.

"You dare to brag about it? Did you think because you've finally awakened you could start talking big huh? I'm just..."

"Enough, that's not why we're here Paul."

"Let me go Carl". Paul struggled to free himself from Kyle's wrist.

"Calm down and let me handle this." Carl tried to persuade Paul.

Carl shifted his gaze back to Kyle and said. "You'll have to come with us Kyle. Jake is waiting to meet you on the roof."

Kyle chuckled."I'm sorry, but perhaps if you were thinking that I was your lackey that you could just order me around like the dog standing behind you. Then you're mistaken."

"You crazy bast...".

"STOP!" Carl shouted impatiently.

Paul, who was about to rush towards Kyle, backed down when he heard Carl order him to do so. However, he was still glaring at Kyle for calling him a dog.

"See what I mean? Just like a faithful dog you're always obeying your master's orders." Kyle continued to taunt Paul who was fuming in rage.

"I would warn you not to keep pushing his button. Paul has a very nasty personality and if Jake hadn't told us to bring you untouched, you would have been beaten to a pulp by now. However, I would just have to explain to Jack that it was inevitable because you continued to provoke Paul." Carl warned.

"How can he be so unreasonable? I was only stating facts about him but I was totally unaware that he is a mad dog...." Kyle casually shrugged his shoulders ".....You won't have to worry about it anymore because I don't mind training him for you." Kyle smirked as he set his gaze on Paul.

"You are getting way too ahead of yourself Kyle, do you seriously think you can match anyone of us just because you were lucky to beat a few of our boys yesterday?" Carl interrupted the stare down between both Kyle and Paul.

Kyle replied nonchalantly, "Come on, how hard can it be?".

Isn't your overconfidence getting to you?" Carl said

"You guys are always looking down on people who are below your levels of status and you seize that opportunity to make their lives a living hell. However, the truth is even you are being oppressed by someone much stronger than you but you disguise it as a form of loyalty when it's just the same fear that you make us feel is also the reason you suck up to people like Jake."

"So no I'm not overconfident Carl, you're the prideful ones and currently you are afraid of attacking me because you fear the odds might not fall in your favour. If you losers aren't willing to even try to fight me but talk bullshit with me then I have a class to attend rather than keep wasting my time."

Kyle's words stunned everyone, because in a way they made a lot sense but they had never really thought about their situation in such a way.

"Hahahahahaha..." Paul laughed " guys aren't actually stupid enough to fall for this bastard scheme?"

"Hey punk, you're such a smooth talker and you definitely know how to give a speech but unfortunately we're not as dumb as you think. Take a look around the room idiot, you're outnumbered. Even if you can take on one of us in a fair fight it's still impossible for you to fight us all at once and win."

"Clearly, you are the one who is afraid, so stop playing mind games and just come with us quietly. It would make things easier for you bastard."

"If you're so sure about that, why don't you try making me do that?" Kyle taunted.

After hearing Kyle's response, Paul glanced at Carl to ask permission to act since Kyle openly challenged him.

Carl silently nodded his head to give his approval to Paul, he didn't have any choice but to allow Paul to do as he wished. He had held him back earlier because he was strictly following Jake's order.

However, it was different this time because Kyle had challenged Paul and it would have been unfair for him to deny Paul the chance to prove his strength.

"I'm going to make sure you know your place and drag you to meet Jake myself." Paul said and rushed towards Kyle.

"Wow." Kyle acknowledged that Paul was faster than any opponent he had faced before, but he was still slower than Kyle.

Paul aimed a fist at Kyle's face in order to end the fight with one strike. However, Kyle was able to detect his movements much faster, which caused him to move his face to the side to avoid the attack. He then countered with a heavy knee strike to Paul's stomach.

Paul sank to his knees and clutched his stomach with both hands. He hadn't expected that Kyle would be able to dodge his attacks which caught him off guard and Kyle was able to take advantage of the opening to counter strike.

Due to the pain, Paul was surprised by how much strength Kyle put into his attack, which prevented him from getting back on his feet quickly enough. He was still processing what had happened when he saw Kyle's leg swinging towards his face.

Paul's eyes suddenly widened in shock. "What? Another attack?" He was unable to react in time before the kick collided with his jaws and he blacked out.

Carl and the rest of the boys that followed him were bewildered by the scene in front of them. Even though Paul wasn't the strongest, he had a reputation for being the most aggressive member of the crew because of his berserker ability which increased his overall capabilities threefold.

In terms of power he was ranked eleventh in their crew and forty-seventh in their school which had about a hundred and nine metahumans that were students and Kyle had just easily defeated him in less than a minute.

Kyle stood over Paul's body that was lying on the floor as if he was waiting for something. After a few seconds he finally turned his gaze towards Carl's.

"Is that it?.." Kyle pointed at Paul body ".....I mean that was all it took to put his lights out after all those talks?"

"Well, anybody else want to go for a round?" Kyle asked but instead they all lowered their heads to avoid looking at him directly in the eyes.

Kyle clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Tsk...well this has been a waste of time. Since I have made my point I'll take my leave now because I have class to attend."

Kyle walked past them as he headed towards the door.

"I was hoping Jake was planning to show up himself to take revenge on me since he has been glaring daggers at me all day. I think he didn't get the message yesterday, so tell him to come find me himself if he wants revenge." He said before exiting the restroom.

As he walked towards his classroom, he saw that his teacher was already inside.

"Where are you coming from?" He asked with a frown on his face.

"The restroom." Kyle responded curtly.

The teacher stared at Kyle for a few seconds before finally instructing him to enter and take a seat.

Kyle casually strolled towards his seat and sat on it. He noticed the teacher had scowled at him in disgust before he continued with his lecture causing Kyle to chuckle because he understood why he did that.

The teacher was also a Metahuman, so he always intimated Kyle by glaring at him. This would always cause Kyle to shiver out of fear, thereby embarrassing himself in his presence.

However Kyle was able to maintain his composure seconds ago when the teacher was trying to intimidate him again and this pissed the teacher off a lot.

"I'm going to teach you all a lesson about humility." Kyle thought to himself.


Thank you very much guys, I really appreciate you all reading my book. Please feel free to correct any grammatical errors and most of all Please keep supporting my book with Power stones and Golden Tickets.