A Sneaky Mouse

Qin Yue started to focus on the company's development. She wanted to gain Qin Ze's trust so that he would not ground her any longer, but it was useless.

She couldn't help but feel worried because she couldn't see Kan Chen.

Thinking back, in her previous life, Kan Chen would always protect Qin Yue unconditionally.

When Qin Yue was bewitched by a swindler and wanted to visit the slums to donate to a fictitious children's charity organization, Kan Chen locked her up at home until the swindler was arrested.

When Qin Yue attended a gathering with some new friends, Kan Chen found her, knocked over the cup in her hand, and forcefully dragged her home. It was only later on that she found out that someone had drugged her wine, and it was Kan Chen who had saved her.

Even when Qin Yue was kidnapped, it was Kan Chen who led his men and found her. During a shootout between the kidnapper and his bodyguards, Kan Chen removed his bulletproof vest and put it on for Qin Yue. He even used his body to shield her from the bullets.

In her previous life, Qin Yue didn't know how to be grateful. She had paid the price for her stupidity, and now, she didn't want the person who loved her to be hurt again.

Kan Chen had been busy with work during this period, and he frequently visited several prominent corporations. In Qin Yue's previous life, Kan Chen had a car accident three days later. She felt that it was necessary to remind him now, so that he could take precautions.

Qin Ze was going to attend a meeting in a neighboring country tonight. Qin Yue chose some tight and lightweight clothes, packed her equipment, and stood at the door of the room, shouting, "Open the door! I want to go to the gym!"

"Miss, you completed the highest intensity training yesterday…" The bodyguards guarding Qin Yue sounded tired.

Qin Yue gathered the bodyguards at the gym and asked them to be her sparring partners. She even deliberately made them demonstrate some high-intensity movements.

Before the bodyguards could catch their breath, Qin Yue got them to accompany her on a run around the manor. And in the evening, she rounded them up again at the swimming pool for a swimming competition with her.

By the time Qin Yue returned to her room, the bodyguards were already exhausted from her torture. They stood by her door, unwilling to get up.

The bodyguards were exhausted, while Qin Ze had already left the manor. This was the outcome that Qin Yue wanted.

In her previous life, Qin Yue had been ashamed of being born into a triad family. She had always wanted to become a graceful and elegant socialite. Now, she was thankful that she had learned martial arts, inherited her mother's excellent genes, and had a stronger physique than ordinary people.

When Qin Yue heard the snores of the bodyguards at the door, she quickly changed and climbed out of the fourth floor window with her climbing equipment.

Qin Yue knew that there would be a very important meeting at Kan Chen's company tonight, so she would surely find him there.

Kan Chen's office was on the top floor. In her previous life, Kan Chen had locked her in his office before. She knew the code to the door, so it was easy for her to hide from the security guards and enter the office.

However, when she reached his office, he was nowhere to be seen.

That was strange. Where was he?

At this moment, a few voices suddenly sounded from outside the door. Qin Yue panicked. She was dressed like a thief now, and if she was discovered, she wouldn't be able to explain herself! As the voices got closer, she panicked and hid under his desk.

"If you mess this project up again, you'd better f*cking get lost!" When the door opened, Qin Yue heard Kan Chen's angry roar. As he walked into the office, he continued to reprimand the managers behind him.

Kan Chen was the head of his family and ran the most powerful corporation in Fei City. Many were envious of his background, and also admired his business tactics.

Power, status, looks, talent.

Kan Chen had it all.

However, he was in a terrible mood right now because of a woman he couldn't get in contact with!