A Dishonest Person Deserves To Be Spanked

Xue Na was worried that Qin Yue might have already found out about her relationship with Xiao Yu. She tried to ask Qin Yue about it, but the latter didn't seem to know that Xue Na was the female lead in the video.

Since Xiao Yu was already an abandoned pawn, she started to focus her attention on Lucy.

The executives of Pengfei Corporation were gathered for a meeting. Lucy was prepared. She wanted to use the documents in her hands to completely eradicate the woman beside Kan Chen.

When the meeting was about to end, Lucy turned on the projector. "I accidentally discovered a huge loss in one of the company's projects. This is the information that I compiled."

Lucy displayed a series of forged documents on the screen and said, "Some funds in the project have been embezzled, and these documents were signed by our new employee, Crystal. Can Crystal explain what is going on?"

Lucy looked into Crystal's eyes, waiting to see her panicked expression.

In order to facilitate her investigation of Lucy, Qin Yue had asked Kan Chen to send Lucy overseas for a project for two weeks, and the latter had only returned this morning.

During this period, she had entered the company using the name "Crystal", and everyone in the company knew that she was Kan Chen's girlfriend. Only Lucy didn't know that.

"I don't know anything about this. The President knows me very well. I wouldn't do such a thing." Qin Yue blinked innocently and looked in Kan Chen's direction.

Kan Chen sat quietly in his seat and rubbed his chin.

Qin Yue's frivolous attitude angered Lucy. "Don't think that you can resolve this matter just by pretending to be innocent! Today, in front of the management, you need to give us a reasonable explanation!"

"Someone framed me, of course. How else can I explain this? As for why they framed me… Perhaps it's because they're jealous of my beauty? I don't know."

Lucy looked at Crystal and even suspected that she was spouting nonsense because she had been scared silly.

"As a new employee, I don't know the company's rules. However, over the past few days, I've also investigated some interesting things. Lucy, are you in charge of the security and marketing departments? You visit the security office so often, and you interact closely with a few employees from the marketing department."

Qin Yue suddenly projected another set of documents. The higher-ups in the room started discussing the contents.

The documents detailed how Lucy had bribed Pengfei's project manager of Pengfei, stole Pengfei's patented documents and sold them. Also, Lucy had been sneaking around the carpark many times to observe Kan Chen's driving habits.

Qin Yue rubbed the coffee in her hand and sneered at Lucy's shocked expression.

"This… This is slander! Why would I do such a thing? You don't have the right to copy out the surveillance footage without permission!" Lucy anxiously reached out to turn it off.

"Then why did you casually investigate the President's activities?" Qin Yue lifted her leg and stomped on the table, her stiletto heels ruthlessly piercing Lucy's hand, causing her to scream in pain.

Qin Yue poured the hot coffee in her hand on Lucy's face.

The hot coffee almost splattered on the executives. Faced with this sudden turn of events, the executives stood up helplessly and waited for the President to speak.

Who would have thought that an ordinary meeting would see two of the prettiest women in the company fighting? The scene was strangely erotic yet barbaric.

As for Kan Chen, he remained unmoved, as though he was watching a performance. Right now, he even wanted to open a bottle of red wine and savor it slowly.

He liked how unique Qin Yue was! The socialites from wealthy families could never be as interesting and bold as her!

Qin Yue turned around, grabbed Lucy's arm, and pinned it behind her back.

Lucy screamed. Her arm was in so much pain that she didn't dare to move. Her face was pressed against the meeting table, and her butt was raised high.

"If you want to use such despicable methods to ruin my reputation, you have to first figure out who I am! Didn't your mother teach you to be an honest and kind person?" Qin Yue positioned her leg firmly against Lucy's neck, then rolled up a book and ruthlessly whipped Lucy's butt.

Lucy's neck was stuck on the table, and she couldn't get up. All she could do was twist her hips and scream.

Kan Chen almost burst out laughing.

He knew that his Qin Yue could always do something unexpected.

Qin Yue hit Lucy hard, and her butt was covered with red marks. She could only scream as her face turned crimson, and her legs flayed around as she kicked and tried to get Qin Yue off her.

"What is your motive for doing all these things? Tell me clearly who instructed you, and I'll consider letting you go. If you dare to lie, I'll send you to prison!"

"Stop hitting me! I'll tell you! I'll tell you everything!" Lucy broke down and wailed.

Lucy's screams in the meeting room attracted the attention of many employees. They crowded at the entrance and watched the crazy scene in the meeting room. The male employees gasped in surprise when they saw Lucy's hips and beautiful legs.

The overtime today was worth it!