A Blood Debt Should Be Repaid In Blood

Qin Yue held the casualties list in her hand. Li Mo's name was indeed on it.

Tears blurred her eyes.

"Let's go. There's no other way now. Let's go and hand Li Mo's belongings over to his family."

Kan Chen wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and she struggled free.

What did he mean by there was no other way?

"You were the one who sent him to the border! Now that he's been murdered, you're just going to sit back and do nothing?" Qin Yue couldn't believe that this was something that Kan Chen would say.

Kan Chen suppressed his rage. "If I had known about this, I wouldn't have let you continue investigating! Don't you understand? This matter ends here! "

"Then who's going to be responsible for Li Mo's death?! Who's going to be responsible for my mother's death?! Am I supposed to let it go so easily?!" Qin Yue broke down and walked towards the door.

"These things aren't something you can control! Stop investigating!" Kan Chen grabbed Qin Yue's wrist and almost went berserk.

Why did the Kan Chen she knew become so weak and timid?

"Have you ever considered my feelings? If you don't want to help me, at least don't try to stop me!"

Kan Chen hugged her tightly. "Let's just forget about it! I don't want you to be in danger! I'm begging you, stop investigating these things!"


Qin Yue's slap landed ruthlessly on Kan Chen's face, and she broke free from his embrace.

Just let it go? What a ridiculous thing to say.

Qin Yue was completely disappointed in him.

She got into the car, escorted by her bodyguards. "Bring all your equipment, and we'll set off for the border. We'll settle the scores with them."

Qin Yue pulled her knife out of the corpse. Behind her lay a bunch of dead people.

"Don't kill me! Please don't kill me! I'm begging you! I don't know anything!" A man was kneeling on the ground, begging for his life. His entire body was covered in blood.

This young woman led a small group of people and killed everyone who stood in her way. In just half an hour, she wiped out the entire gang.

"Do you recognize this necklace?"

There was no expression on Qin Yue's face as she raised the bloody necklace in her hand.

Li Mo made this out of bullet shells, and he wore it wherever he went.

The man's eyes widened. "I don't! I don't know him! I don't know him! This has nothing to do with me! I didn't do it! We were just following someone's orders! He's in the house! In the house!"

Without any hesitation, Qin Yue shot the man and kicked the door open.

Inside the house, a group of men in black took out their guns and aimed them at Qin Yue. A middle-aged man sat on a chair with a cigar in his mouth, while playing with some cards in his hand.

"Ah! Qin Yue, you're finally here. Come, sit down." The man waved his hand, gesturing for everyone to put down their guns. He seemed to have expected Qin Yue's arrival.

The large sunglasses covered his face, and Qin Yue wasn't sure who he was.

"Did you kill Li Mo?"

"The policeman? He could have survived, but he ruined my plans, child. I'm sorry, but I can't hand over his body. After he died, he was thrown into the sea by my men. By now, he should have been eaten up by the sharks."

The man spoke slowly, as though he was enjoying a leisurely meal.

"You, on the other hand, have grown a lot." The man spat the cigar onto the floor. "Your eyes look more and more like your mother's."

"So, are you ready to be buried to make up for my mother's death?" Qin Yue took out her gun.

However, in the next second, she was ambushed from behind. A man dressed in black behind her swiftly cut her leg, snatched her gun, and pinned her to the ground.

The middle-aged man sized up Qin Yue and sneered, "You've indeed grown a lot, but it's a pity that you're still too young."

Qin Yue gritted her teeth and bore the pain in her leg. She grabbed the man's wrist and wrestled him, pushing him over her back. Then, she rolled on the ground, grabbed the knife hidden in her boot, and threw it out. The knife flew towards the middle-aged man, and the man behind him quickly shielded him.

When Qin Yue escaped from the "Bone Cave", her bodyguards had already separated from her in order to stop those men in black.

When Qin Yue ran to the car, she saw Kan Chen walking out of a black car.

Great! He was probably worried about her, so he followed her here!


Before she could shout his name out, her nose and mouth were covered, and the smell of chloroform rushed into her brain. Her vision turned black, and she fainted.