The Rare Tenderness

As soon as she walked out of the hospital, Qin Ran realized that the terrorist leader had taken her and Dr. Wu away in front of more than one hundred and eighty people an hour ago. If she appeared outside the hospital safe and sound, it would definitely arouse everyone's suspicion. At that time, wouldn't it be troublesome if they suspected her identity again?

Forget it, I'll sneak back to the laboratory.

In the main hall of Rui Ci Hospital, Fog used his phone to pull out a photo. The girl in it had delicate features and looked scholarly.

"Who has seen this girl before?"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at the black clothed man with the low voice, and then discussions arose in the hall.

"I remember. I think she was the girl who was taken."

"Yes, she looks very similar. She should be that girl."

Fog frowned and asked hurriedly, "Where did they take her?"