Meeting Old Friends

She wanted to lie and say that she had picked it up from the roadside, but this excuse seemed to be exposed easily. Hence, Qin Ran smiled foolishly and said, "Then our family has really profited. It's like this. My parents' medical skills are very good. A few years ago, they coincidentally saved an uncle. That uncle was especially grateful and happened to be a rich person, so he sent us a lot of thank-you gifts. These peony flowers are among them."

Mo Chi nodded and asked in confusion, "But this breed of peony is very difficult to raise. It almost needs to be taken care of every day. Your parents have already passed away, and you've been outside all this time. Why…"

"My parents had a friend when they were alive. He doesn't live too far from here. He and my father were sworn friends for life. He couldn't bear to let the place they used to live in be in ruins, so he often came to clean and take care of the flowers and plants."