Are You Willing to Cooperate?

If knowing Dr. Wu could prove that she was a spy, then there were many spies in Xuanchuan City at this moment.

Qin Ran didn't want to argue with him and only asked, "Regarding Dr. Wu, the most eye-catching incident that had happened to him recently was the attack on the hospital."

"The terrorists are here for the scientific research results. Moreover, they didn't give up even though they didn't succeed the first time. Instead, they changed their strategy and went from robbing openly to stealing secretly. That's why they sent you here." Du Xing spoke logically and felt that his analysis was reasonable.

"In that case, I think you should focus on tracking down the real spy as soon as possible. You've really caught the wrong person." Qin Ran stood up and wanted to leave. "Don't worry, I won't let anyone know about what happened tonight, lest your department loses their reputation in the industry."