Welcome Party

Qin Ran felt weak all over during the weekends because of the arrival of her period. Other than three meals a day, she basically spent the rest of her time in bed. She slept in a daze or played with her phone in a daze.

As the ace agent of the National Security Bureau, outsiders might always look at her with a mysterious filter. But in fact, when she wasn't on missions, she was no different from an ordinary twenty-year-old girl. She would also play around with her friends, eat snacks, and stay in bed.

Just like the state of her life for the past two days.

Fortunately, the first two days of her period were on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday morning, Qin Ran, who had yet to fully recover, was still woken up by Auntie Sun at the usual time. She got out of bed and casually tied her hair into a bun. She washed up, brushed her teeth, and ate breakfast. She had barely chased away her sleepiness when she sat in the car with her bag.