Yet So Close

On the other side, after Qin Ran exited the website, she closed her laptop and lay comfortably on the bed before falling asleep. She had no idea that Mo Chi, who was in the master bedroom, had already overcome the difficulties step by step. He had bitten the bullet and located her LAN.

However, this location shocked Mo Chi. It showed that the other party was at Mo An Street in Xuanchuan City.

Wasn't this his own street? Could it be that Beautiful Fox had logged into the website near his house?

Mo Chi's scalp turned a little numb. He immediately had a feeling of so far yet so close.

This was his sworn enemy. What was she doing near his house? Did she want to cause trouble for him again? In the past, he was alone and was fearless as long as he protected himself. But now, there was also a little girl. She was so cute and innocent. It was obvious that she was weak. He could not let her take the risk.