Too Awkward

Qin Ran still couldn't be bothered to explain. She helped him up from the ground and asked, "Can you still walk? If you can't walk, I'll carry you."

Su Wang was shocked when he heard this, but Qin Ran didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. Every time she and her colleagues from the National Security Bureau went on a mission, they would almost die. If anyone was injured along the way, as teammates, they definitely couldn't abandon each other unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Can you still walk?" When Qin Ran saw that Su Wang didn't speak, she continued to ask.

Su Wang nodded with difficulty and gritted his teeth. "Yes."

"Alright, let's go find Nannan first. Then, we'll hide together and wait for the people from the Military and Political Affairs Office," Qin Ran said as she placed Su Wang's arm on her shoulder.