What Is It?

Last year, there were also trucks that came by. A group of people got off and said that they were from the lecture troupe, here to tell everyone about the latest policies and they even distributed some food.

"What's going on?" asked the old man smoking at the village entrance.

The auntie beside him was plucking a withered vegetable leaf but her eyes were sharp enough to see Qiao Mei sitting in the front passenger seat. She exclaimed, "Isn't that Qiao Mei from Qiao Qiang's family? Is she sitting in the car?"

"What what? Qiao Mei is in the car?" asked Uncle Niu who was passing by.

"Let's go over and take a look. I wonder what happened!"

"Let's go take a look!"

The group of people followed the big truck and more people gathered along the way until they reached Qiao Zhuang's house.


To everyone's surprise, as soon as the truck stopped, more than 10 men got down and rushed towards Qiao Zhuang's courtyard.