Causing Trouble

Xia He blushed and said, "It's me…"

"Then how can you say that I don't like you? I will choose to cook what you like to eat every day! My culinary skills have improved a lot and I've learned many new dishes!" Li Gui said.

Nowadays, it could be said that she was running a successful business and her family was thriving. Every day, she had to push a small cart to buy groceries. Otherwise, she would not be able to carry everything back.

Qiao Mei also felt that it was too tiring for Li Gui to both take care of them and sell goods, so she wanted to find a helper to come and cook for the family. She did not expect Li Gui to strongly object to this idea.

Li Gui's purpose in coming to the capital was to take care of Qiao Mei so that she could give birth to the children in peace. She was sure that she could take care of Qiao Mei and her two grandchildren.