Pigs Dread Being Fat

Early the next morning, Jiang Yi set off into the city to look for Tan Jing. She was not a fool. After being rejected twice by Xu Lan, she would not go there again. As if she wanted to have to spend another night at the police station?

First, she went to Tan Jing and Xia Wen's previous address and tried her best to find out more about the Xia family's "divine medicine". In the end, she even managed to find out about where Xia Wen was currently working and that Qiao Mei had given birth to two babies.

Not only did she find out the names of Qiao Mei's two children, but she also knew their gender and roughly when they were born. There were even people who told her that they could list down the children's characteristics. However, most of them were just making wild guesses. They were just bragging to people who did not know anything, making it seem as if they were very close to the Xia family. In reality, what they said was all made up.