Soiling Her Pants

Qian'e had to stay by Li Gui's side at all times nowadays. At the moment, Xia He was the only person who could help her out. Once Xia He received the call, she rushed over from Deng Fan's house.

On the phone, Xu Kang did not make it clear why Xia He was needed and only asked her to come to the house. Xia He thought that Qiao Mei was not used to being alone after Xia Zhe returned to the army and was requesting for her company!

She did not expect to see such an annoying person the moment she entered through the door. It really irritated her and ruined her good mood for the day.

"What are you doing here? Haven't you already cut ties with the Qiao family? Why are you here again? Don't tell me you're here to make peace again?" Xia He questioned.

Before Liang Lan could say anything, Qiao Mei heard Xia He's voice and immediately walked out of her room.

"Elder Sister, she has come to ask me for help. Let's go now," Qiao Mei said.