Bury You With Them

"This is our own earnings. How would I know where your children are? You're a mother, yet you come to my house to look for your children. How do you take care of your own children?" Xia Yan said self-righteously.

"What kind of business do you do that you can earn so much money in one go? Do you think we're all fools?" Xia He looked at Xia Yan and questioned him.

"What right do you have to care about what I do! I can earn money however I want. Does it have anything to do with you? Don't tell me you're jealous of me earning money!" Xia Yan pointed at Xia He and roared at her.

Xia He wanted to rush forward and give Xia Yan a good beating, but Qiao Mei reached out to stop her. They had not managed to get anything out of him yet, so it was useless to hit him.