Life Is Unpredictable

Qiao Mei had heard of that before. When Zhang Wei returned home, he had mentioned it to Li Gui a few times. Li Gui had bought one piece each for all the four children and it was indeed not cheap. Ordinary families would not be able to afford it.

She was one of those who could afford it. If everyone continued to get along well with her in the future, it was not too difficult a matter for her to give their sons one piece each.

"Sister, don't take what those b*tches said to heart. Nothing nice comes out of their mouths! They're ignorant people who just want to bully us! Don't lower yourself to their level," Wang Nuo said.

"I know. Ladies, don't be angry as well. What I said just now was just to make them angry. Don't take it to heart. I know you have my best interests at heart," Qiao Mei said with a smile.