Prepare Gifts

Needlework and embroidery were very difficult to keep well and also not really considered a mainstream product on the market. There were very few collectors who would be willing to part with items in their collections.

Qiao Mei thought about this issue for a long time and finally decided to make something herself. She would personally embroider a wedding dress for Mo Zhu. It would be even more luxurious than the wedding dress she embroidered for Xia He back then. She would only use gold and silver threads, the kind which cost 50 dollars per meter and supply was very scarce. Qiao Mei had to rally many friends to help before she managed to buy 10 small spools of thread from all over the country.

During the entire summer vacation, Qiao Mei locked herself up in the study and worked on this major project quietly. No one knew what Qiao Mei was doing and they all thought that she was studying.