Scheme Against Each Other

"Go and investigate the background of those two women. Get as much information as possible. Find out where they're staying now and don't leave out any details," Zhang Cheng said sternly.

"Noted!" the bodyguard said.

After Zhang Cheng reached home, he locked himself in the study. If nothing went wrong, his bodyguards would come to see him in an hour with information about the two women. Since the jewelry was not in the hands of the Gao family now, he no longer had to be mindful about how he got a hold of it.

Anyone who stood in his way must die!

"Knock, knock, knock!"

There was a sudden knock on the door and Zhang Cheng said impatiently, "Come in."

A brightly dressed woman walked up to Zhang Cheng. This woman was heavily made up and smelled strongly of perfume. When Zhang Cheng saw her, his frown deepened. The woman leaned against the table and asked, "How's the progress today? Did you manage to get the things?"