The Same Words

Li Gui looked at the wedding dress she was wearing. It was made by the best tailor in the capital and he had worked hard to rush out the final product. The phoenixes on the dress were all embroidered with golden thread and in fact, the dress was the old master craftsman's final piece of work before retirement. One would not be able to find another wedding dress as exquisite as this in the capital.

"Mom, you and Uncle Xu have to get along well. I think Uncle Xu is someone you can entrust yourself to," Qiao Mei said as she looked at Li Gui seriously.

"Yes, I think so too," Li Gui said blissfully.

"However, you can't rely too much on a man. You must always have a way out. People change with time. You've experienced so much in the past, so I don't think I need to say more. The two of you have only known each other for a short period of time and still need to get used to having a life together," Qiao Mei said worriedly.