Chapter 16- The Riches.

Sasha's POV.

My eyes rummaged around the heaven I just stepped in. Beautiful fields of flowers extended on the either side. At the left was a shed of farm animals. I just can't wait to meet them. I love animals but a long time had passed since I made new animal friends. Amidst the colors was a magnificent white bungalow. It was like a palace of princess. I was in an awe.

I was so engrossed in the beauty of this place that I didn't noticed his hands were entwined with mine. 

"Look who is here!" A middle aged woman babbled as a group of people came rushing towards us.

"Young master is here!" The girl's squealed as the staff members jumped with joy. 

I noticed the sophisticated sense of dressing, pearl white shirt and black skirt for women whereas black pants for men. Each women had their hair tied into a neat bun wore a pair of black slippers, whereas men wore a pair of black formal shoes. For me it was too formal for house keepers. I looked down at my black tank top and immediately felt insecure. 

"Madame Rosé is here." 

The workers marched away from us, into systematic rows on either sides of us.

My eyes snapped to the sound of clinking heels.  

Clad in Marks and Spencer leather kitten heels,  black pencil skirt dress and grey leather. She slayed in her pearl earrings, choker, bracelet and a black Calvin and Klein's watch. Her hair were styled in a pixie bob cut and resembled the chocolaty brown color same as Alex. Few wrinkles stretched on her pearly white skin as her hazel eyes looked tensed. Her lips were tinted in a nude color as it was formed into a straight line. Her face was void of emotions. She walked towards us, placing her chin high, each everything of her was screaming sophistication and royalty. 

She stood an arm length away from us as her tall and well maintained frame hovered over me, making me feel like a rabbit under a massive tree. I felt so low. Her eyes scanned me from top to toe as she shook her head, before noticing our entwined hands. She glared at Alex, as he instantly left my hand. 

"Mom." He smiles whole heartedly, but she had a stern expression painted on her face.

"Oh Madam Rosé." Daisy chirped running over her, "How have you been?"

She looked at Daisy, from top to toe and smiled feeing satisfied. 

"I am fine Sweet heart. How are you?" She asked after giving her a formal hug and kissing her cheek. 

"I am glad you haven't forgot your manners and status like others." He interjected, staring at Alex, with glaring nose. 

Alex cleared his throat before introducing me, "Mom, this is Sasha! My special friend." 

Madame Rosé's face fell into a grimace as glared at me before answering, "Really? I thought she is your maid."

I saw Alex flaring with anger before passing by her, tugging me with him. He took a plight of stairs and like his tail, I was wagging behind him.

He stopped behind a colossal vase placed in the corridor. 

"I am sorry for what she said." He said, looking at me with those clear green eyes, holding a well of sympathy. 

I shook my head and replied, "Never mind." "Look! Don't take her seriously, she thinks of herself as a queen, but she is not bad." he tried to defend her mom.

"I understand." I muttered with a heavy heart and shattering soul.

How dumb was I to think I could be a part of this family! I knew Alex was rich, but didn't know he belongs to a such a royal family. And her mother, I noticed that woman to hate me as his son's maid, how can I expect her to accept me as her daughter in law.

My heart snaked in the deepest well of my dreams. 

"Aunt Sara. Please show her the room and help her out." He called out a staff before squeezing my shoulder and dispersing in his room.

"Come dear." I looked up to find a middle aged woman dressed in the staff uniform. She was short as chubby. With few wrinkles and a ear to ear smile. I instantly developed a liking for her.

She guided me towards a luxurious bed room. It was neat, with a combination of blue and white. With a king sized bed and a walk in balcony that gave you a feeling of a fairytale, this room was classy. I stood in the balcony, as a soft breeze kissed my face, and the garden around helped me find solace. 

"Ma'am." Called Aunt Sara, "I recommend you to have shower and change into these clothes. Lunch time is 2:00 and Madame Rosé hates it if anyone is late."

I smiled at the lady, "first of all please call me Sasha. And second thing. I have my clothes in the car trunk. Would you ask anyone to deliver it to me?"

"Master has sent these clothes for you, he strictly ordered you to wear these only."

I poured at her before giving her a nod and taking the clothes from her.

I stepped in the bathroom where Aunt Sara had filled the tub of hot water for me. After removing my dress I jumped in the tub filled with hot water and roses, feeling the  water on my skin. It was hot but not enough to burn you, it was soothing hot. I saw few candles placed on the rim of the tub. With the help of a lighter placed on one of the shelf, I lit the candles and shoved in the rainbow colored bath bombs in the water that were placed beside candles. The colors splashed in the water as I giggled like a 2 year old. I let my head rest on the tub. Feeing all my worries fade. The smell of lavender hypnotized me as I let myself cherish the life of a princess. 


Pushing myself into the stilettos Aunt Sara brought for me, I rushed out of the room. I stumbled a few times as I tried to run. The bath was so calming that I spend an hour in the bathroom, totally forgetting about the dinner time. The long yellow floral dress Alex sent for me was way too long. I don't blame him, as I was really short as compared to the people here. I am not very tall girl. I don't even reach Alex's shoulders. 

I saw the clock and it was already 2:15. Taking a dee breath, I jumped the dress in an unwomanly manner and hopped down the stairs. As mentioned by Sara the dinner room was towards the left. I ran towards the dining table and spotted everyone settled in. Every eyes were on me as I barked in. Madame Rosé stared at me with wide eyes. I looked at Alex with a questioning look and he gestured my dress. I looked down to see a generous amount of my legs exposed as I jumbled the dress in my left hand, I get the warmth of embarrassment coloring my cheeks as I immediately let my dress flow. 

I looked down and took a sigh. Gathering courage, I flipped my hair back and tried to walk like royals but as soon as I took a step, I tripped on the dress and landed on the white marbles floor, right before Madam Rosé's feet. 

Everyone stood up horrified. I gathered myself and stand up, dealing with the extra long dress. 

"I-I am sorry." I muttered, involuntarily taking steps back. 

"Sasha!" Alex yelled.

A ear splitting sound of glass shattering echoed in the room, as my back hit the maid. The dish she was holding in her hand flew in the air and directly stained Madame Rosé's expensive kitten heels. 

"What the fuck!" She cursed stepping back."

Maids rushed towards her wiping the gravy off her heels, and one of them even brought a pair of new heels for her feet. 

"Are you insane! Don't you know how to walk!" She bellowed at me as I stood there like a clumps puppy. 

"Mom." Before Alex could defend me she showed her palm that immediately shut him up.

"Don't try to defend her! I don't understand why you brought her here! God! I don't understand why is she even friends with you? Keep one thing in mind son, these poor people can never understand our ethics and lifestyle"

"Mom please! Dare you question Sasha! I brought her here because she is my friend, and I wanted to show my town to her! Mom! You are telling this because you don't know her, once you will get along with her, you won't help but love her like I do!" 

A pin drop silence echoed in the room at Alex's words. All eyes were wide and everyone stared at him as if he had grown wings. 

"I hope you know that rags can never be riches! You love Daisy, your fiancé. And she should only be the you love, and the only friend. No one else!" She said killing me with her eyes as I stood there dumbfounded. "Anyways, I am happy you two are here, this Saturday I will be throwing a cocktail party for you both. And soon we can discuss the wedding date for you both."

I took steps back and dispersed in my room. 

I went to the bed and lay down in prone position. I clenched my fist and buried my face in the pillow. If it would only be possible to run away from them forever, I would do it. Amidst the luxury of this place I forget my status. I forget that I don't belong here, that I am seen as a trash here. She was right, why am I here, why I am with Alex! Me and Alex we are poles apart. I fee so dumb to think that we had a chance. Alex knew that I will never be able to fit in the frame that's why he never committed me as his girl. I just don't belong here. 

For like an eternity, my face was buried in the pillow. 

I don't know whether I will ever be able to recover from the emptiness my heart had been feeling.


After like an eternity, I finally felt like getting up. Leaving the feather soft mattress, and opened my bag that was placed like a trash in the corner of the room. I changed into my favorite denim shorts and topped it up with a floral crop top. Putting on my regular sneakers, I hung the bag on my shoulder and left the room. I thought of telling Alex to drop me to the bus station but facing him will hurt me more and he will find hundreds of reason to stop me and I am not at all in the mood to stay here.

I tore a page from my diary and left a note for Alex to know that I am fine and I am leaving.

I walked down the stairs and towards the exit, luckily I had to face only the staff members who only stared at me and asked nothing.

I was about to step out of these massive doors when a voice stopped me midway. "Sasha!"

I squeezed my eyes as his voice entered my ears. I didn't turn to face him, I justshook my head and kept on walking, until I was pulled back by him.

"Where the hell do you think you are going!"

I wriggled in his grip trying to loosen it but he is an iron man, made of steel!

"I want to go back!"

"Who taught you to run away from problems Sasha!" He rebuked shaking my shoulders, "If she don't like you now, don't mean she will never like you. Mom is too obsessed with her ethics and manners, but I am sure she will like you once she know how pure your soul is. Give her sometime Sasha!"

"Why should I? If she don't like me that's absolutely fine. If she don't me to stay in this house that's fine Alex! I not a girl whom his son loves, she's is not my mother in law to be that I need to impress her and it is necessary for her to like me!"

Alex pulled me closer and pierced his green eyes deep into my mines.

"You are working for her son and she must be happy with your position in our business. She is your madam. Impress her for that!" His voice was as cold as ice. I don't understand this guy, he is so caring and sweet but in the other he is cold and rude.

"I am your staff who needs to look after your work not spend vacations with you."

"It's not a vacation. I have work here. My new project will start here and that is why we are here." he stated, "Instead of running away, get ready we will be leaving for the meeting in an hour."

What the hell! I stomped my feet and turned back to the house, straight in my room, throwing my bag on the bed. I pulled my hair in annoyance. Where have I gotten myself into!