Chapter 23- Reality of Saturday night.

I slid down a tree, as tears swept down my cheeks. Till now, I was broken, I was damaged but I had a hope p him. Not love but I felt friendship I had fallen from his eyes and this feels like the end of me. I can't bear this. It hurts. 

I brought my knees to my chest, hugging it, resting my chin on my knees. Ok

The house was in complete silence. There was no one around. I ,made my way upstairs and noticed the door to his room left open. I halted in the corner and peeked in, he was lying on the bed, Madame Rose sat beside him on a chair, whilst Daisy sat beside him on the bed, holding his hand. They were talking to him, asking questions but Alex was numb, with his eyes frozen on the ceiling. she felt like ages since she was standing there and he didn't moved his glance from the ceiling.

"Alex!" Madame Rose scowled, "Look at us, son! Talk to us." her voice cracking at the end.

"I don't want to talk now. I want some rest, you two please leave me alone."

"But Alex-"