Chapter 43

In the past seven days, under the careful care of Worral, Wang Quan's condition began to improve. Although the wound is still black with lymph and pus, the pain is not as good as the initial pain. Even more delightfully, when he regained consciousness, after several days of sleep, his first shot was the face of the world sleeping next to him. When he reached out and touched his face, the world suddenly woke up.

"Did you wake you up?"

"Ah... kingship."

Worrall was intrigued, though he asked anxiously. He awoke with a start, for he suspected that Gamut's soldiers would follow him, so he must always be vigilant. But he trembled and could do nothing when he saw that what had awakened him from his sleep were those who were waiting for him to wake up and talk to him.

"I keep staring at your face, because you are handsome and sad, so I keep staring at you."