Chapter 2

Do it again. . .

The professor suddenly remembered what Jeremy often said. This is not the first time he has asked such a question, nor is he asking it alone. Jeremy always had this antisocial idea. Since I studied at this school, there has never been a mentor who can get rid of the challenge of anti-society. At first I was shocked, and after a while I felt challenging, but then I felt annoying. He didn't want to answer either, because he knew that if he did, other questions would follow, so he turned his attention to warning.

"The idea of anti-social norms is not a good thing, Mr. Messi."

"I have no right to question anything society says." Jeremy raised his high eyebrows and showed a nervous expression on his face. "Unfortunately, I thought you were capable enough to answer my questions."

It takes quite a bit of patience not to be bothered by the challenging rhetoric of the younger generation.

"That's not what I meant, but the older generation's ideas and models are the best, and you don't have to doubt that if it was really bad, it wouldn't have been done for decades."

Avoid answering questions and let Jeremy say.

"Have you thought it out for yourself?"

At some point, Just staring at a middle-aged man in the face, In front of an older person, don't want to argue with him too much, talking and talking, talking and talking, talking and talking, talking and talking, talking and talking, talking and talking, talking and talking, talking and talking, talking and talking, talking and talking, talking and talking, we'd better delete it.

"Whatever you think, Mr. Messi, I want to remind you of one thing."

Jeremy raised his high eyebrows.

"If it's not necessary, don't give Omega any advice now that might be in their favor. It may be because you're studying in school, but if you leave here and say something similar in real life, you ask." Be careful your life doesn't go well. Don't forget you're not an Omega. Don't ask those people to do what alpha should do. "

Why can't he express his opinion when he disagrees?

Even in Alpha Group, there is no fair right. For God's sake!

But someone like Jeremy is not the kind to shut up, be quiet, humble, obedient, get nailed back and then he comes back.

"If I was that kind of person... would you be in heat when you saw me, Professor?"

"What are you talking about?" The person who was greeted frowned, feeling insulted before, but this time feeling pressed lower by the other party than before.

Jeremy didn't answer immediately, slowly moving his eyes from his wrinkled face to the other person's crotch, and then slightly nodding the end of his chin.

"Your child has symptoms already, put them away, professor, there is no need to mate with A-level students, otherwise this will be your normal condition."

The arrogant words slipped from his thick lips, a handsome face without any guilt, and he repeated the arrogant words and raised a smile. However, when he saw that he could provoke each other, his smile became so mocking and acerbic that the professor held his hand tightly. Jeremy stared at him angrily, twisted aside from the table, stretched his legs, and pointed his fingers to the center of his torso.

"Well, if I were an Omega, would you be in heat to see me do this?"

"Mr. Massey!"

People expressed their dissatisfaction with the man unabashedly, while the teaser waited anxiously for the professor, who boasted of his profound knowledge, to respond, but did not see it yet. Another young man sitting by suddenly reached out and poked his friend to stop his crazy behavior.

"Jamie, don't do this again."

Jeremy turned around and saw the face of his best friend Albert. He laughed.

"You also want to be in heat like Professor Al. Come on, Omega, like I'm waiting."


"Don't wait. You are in heat."

He kept mocking, pointing his finger at the center of his friend who had the same symptoms as others, and then Albert turned red with shame.

No, sir, not only Albert, but the professor himself, because of his anger, struck the table so violently that Jeremy's eyes turned away.

"If you are not ready for my class, go first and come back when you are ready."

"Not at all," said Jeremy, straightening up and turning a little, showing no concern at all about what had happened, and turning to advise his friend, "You can come with me, too."

"Um... yes..." Albert was suddenly called out, his friend and professor looked alternately, and then stopped.

"Sit there and come with me."

Jeremy left the lecture hall after the lecture, not noticing the eyes of other students, who looked tired and even a little nasty. Albert endured it for a while, because he was a good friend, and he couldn't bear it any longer. He got up quickly, turned around, apologized to the older man, and then went out to restore calm to the class. The villain is gone.

The famous alpha villain. . . Jeremy Mercy.

"For God's sake, Jamie, you shouldn't talk to the professor like that." From the front of the lecture hall, Albert took his best friend.

Jeremy showed no interest in the petition and moved on, letting the other person breathe in full before speaking.

"When you stopped harassing, you pissed off Miss Eton yesterday and Professor Courtney today."

"Is that old man's name Courtney?" He didn't listen to his friend ask his name, but let him know his name.

Albert sighed, put his hand on his temple, and muttered wearily to himself.

"Since when did you become such an extreme, you put the teacher's nerves."

It doesn't matter how many people there are. Remember, almost no one is spared by Jeremy. Young people don't care, because it is his basic habit.

Ask if you want, argue if you want. Those people think they have profound knowledge, and they can't help but try without opening their hearts to listen. But the Mercedes family heir's experiment is a bit sinister and rude.

"I've always been like this."

Jeremy said unequivocally, exhausting Albert.

"Yes, from any time, I also started as a child, but when you entered the Thai Development Institute last year, you became more withdrawn. Now you are a sophomore, not an adult. I am spoiled. When can you put these annoying things down?"

"When I die," said Jeremy's thick lips with a humorous laugh, and Albert wrinkled his mouth before the villain grabbed his friend by the neck. "Seriously, I am. You should get used to it, Al."

"Accustomed, accustomed, but accustomed."

It was difficult for Jeremy to become a society because of his behavior, because his friend was a nuisance, and Jeremy himself did not think how terrible he was in the eyes of others. If you join Alpha Youth Training College after graduating from high school, you will become an important person in the Pearl Elite Circle. I don't know how many times he has done heartbreaking things for his friends and his family, from random quarrels to quarrels, Jeremy has done. But that's because he just didn't answer what he suspected, and when he didn't answer, he would ask who knew it would lead to the conflict he did. This is not an offensive progress.

"Why do you care? It's just a small thing."

"This is no small matter, Jamie. Even if we graduate from here, we will meet these people. How big will Alpha's environment be? After graduation, we will go to work. That's what you are. It is very hard to work hard with others in the future."

Albert warns that, in fact, the number of Alpha is relatively small, a quarter of that of Beta, but the number of Omega is much smaller.