Chapter 29

"Let go!"

"Damn it! This thing is too big. Let's catch it!"

It sounded familiar, not a loud sound, but a loud cry for help from the front of the toilet before several men were asked to come out to help. When I turned around, I saw Jeremy had bruises on his body. Chris is convinced that these are not old, but new and only recently appeared.

It didn't take long. . . Maybe fifteen minutes or half an hour ago.

I let out a sigh involuntarily, but in the circumstances Jeremy was unlikely to be hit like a normal freshman ceremony, for otherwise the big man would not have attracted ten people as he does now.

Chris saw through the situation, and with a green beard on his thigh, he took the prepared flowerpot and poured water on Jeremy. Jeremy stopped, and then the cold water splashed all over his face. Suddenly blinked and looked at the culprit hard.

"Like a mad dog, if it weren't for General Harrison's orders, I shouldn't have come near," the other side joked.